Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Failed Writings: Part 9: Feathered Friends

I tried to write some things today:

Various Poems About Our Fine Feathered Friends:

Attempt 1:
It was an all out assault
The lines were falling back
It wasn’t the leader’s fault
The forces were overwhelmed in the attack
It was due to a zookeeper that the war was to begin
The zookeeper was very mean and kicked a penguin
Rumor of this spread through the flightless bird ranks
They amassed an army of penguins, emus, and ostriches
Although lacking an air force, they amassed a large amount of tanks
They demanded the zookeeper’s head and all of his riches
The human forces could not help but succumb to the onslaught
Though the battles was long and bravely fought
It was decided to get rid of the zookeeper
Before his mistake got them in any deeper
Such was the end of the first Feathered Conflict

Attempt 2:
Birds fly above me
A group of them together
I shoot them all down

Attempt 3:
The mighty emu
Unable to fly away
Unlike my girlfriends

Attempt 4:
The hawk swoops down low
Catching its prey with his claws
It then hits a truck

Attempt 5:
I went to the pet store to buy a bird
Then an odd thing occurred
I had a vision with squirrels and fiery death
I saw the future that would occur to my final breath
I took a vow on that moment to stop this fate
But I had no money so my plan had to wait
A few weeks later I got around to getting some cash
But decided to gather myself and not act in any way rash
I then went back to the store to purchase my life-changing pet
But I had been deceived by this feathered foe
By my purchasing it I would cause much woe
For it was the squirrels that were to prevent the disaster
I had went to talk about my visions to my master
My master was actually a homeless man named Phil
And he was able to interpret my visions for a single bill
But I arrived too late Phil had gone away
Perhaps he was killed or took the subway
Without his perfect interpretation
And accompanying explanation
I purchased the bird with great hopes ahead
Little did I know I could wind up dead
But the squirrels were massing their furry brigade
It was during this time the bird’s nature was displayed
Pooping and cawing, cawing and pooping
All while sitting on its little swing
Great was the battle that was soon to follow
Though some of the events might be hard to swallow
But, alas, I’ve gone on too long and run out of time
Now ducking stray squirrel and bird fire from the front line

Attempt 6:
I look at your little beak
And my knees become weak
I listen to your every caw,
And in you I detect no flaw
Why did you fly away from me
And stay up in that tree?
I want to see your wings flapping
When I do I will be clapping
There is nothing that can stop our love
Unless you fly into the clouds above
But now I feel that may be the path you take
After you went and clawed my face like a rake
