Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Fascist Fun

Remember the good ol’ days? When you could look forward to military parades daily? Ah, the days of fascism. Those were fun weren’t they? Some people sure do seem to think so. A man in Germany taught his dog, affectionately named Adolf (undoubtedly named after Adolf Loos, the renowned architect whose theories about building methods guided architects away from the decorative style of the nineteenth century), to give the Nazi salute. The man was also wearing a shirt with a picture of Adolf Hitler on it. Police first approached the man because he was shouting “Sieg Heil” over and over again in public. After the police stopped the man from shouting, he ordered his dog to do the salute, which it did. I imagine they were rather impressed as they arrested him, I would‘ve been.

He was later found guilty, because for some reason it’s illegal to display Nazi symbols in public. The charges were insulting a policeman and displaying Nazi symbols in public. Charges were initially brought against the man for training the dog to do the salute, but those were later dropped. I guess, animals can display Nazi symbols in public. This could become a major legal loophole for the would-be fascists now. Think about it, you could create a new Nazi party if you just have a dog or ferret or some other creature as its official head. You’d probably have to have some other animals as secretaries and such in order to keep away to much suspicion, of course you better make you sure you could control the animals, one interview where the animal attacks a reporter could be devastating for public relations.

Germany is not the only place were fascist related events have occurred recently. Benito Mussolini’s face was blasted into the mountain overlooking Furlo Gorge in 1936 and suffered some damage by resistance fighters during World War II (the nose was blown off). Afterwards trees were grown in front of the sculpted image. Local politicians and businessmen want to clear the trees and have the face become a tourist attraction. A mayor of one of the two towns below the mountain thinks that it will only attract skinheads and fascists. Sure that’s probably true, but aren’t fascists and skinheads known for their crazy and massive spending habits, along with a few… other things.

This is part of a growing trend of places in Italy trying to cash in on their fascist history. Even though it’s technically “illegal” in Italy to display fascist symbols, there are plans for a museum and other historical landmarks of the former leader have been restored. The giant engraving would undoubtedly become a worthy tourist attraction. Hmm, the nose is damaged, that sound so familiar. I’ve got it! You can finish carving out the mountain and put his head on a cat’s body, it can be called the Binx or the Spholini. Now that’s a tourist attraction. Imagine, the Duce’s stern looking face upon the body of a cat, or maybe a rabbit, or squirrel. Imagine the sheer size of the tail alone! It will be magnificent. Now that would certainly attract tourists. - 2/11/04
