Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Feline Folk

It is time to address a grave matter facing anime of all forms. Their infiltration is a very serious matter. Of course, I speak of Cat-People. These Cat-People have appeared in many series often with devastating consequences. Some people even (shudder) find them sexually attractive. They are spreading quicker than they can be stopped. Just look back a mere twenty-five years and you will find only a few of these creatures. How they originated is still questionable. Perhaps they are the work of a mad scientist, or just a result of heavy drinking on one man’s part. Since then their population has skyrocketed above all expectations. These “Cat Folk” are very annoying and often stupid. While they sometimes try to offer humor it often falls flat. They are an unstoppable plague on anime with no end in sight. They prey on storylines making them weaker and less entertaining. A prime example is Esca Flowne, relatively good but it was made worse with the cat-woman. Look around, FOOLS! There is but little time to stop these dastardly felines creeping about. How often are these characters killed off? I do not see it. How many of these feline felons have you seen today? Ten? Twenty!? Once occupying one or two roles is now one or two thousand. Can they be stopped? They must be! Only if we act quickly! We must save anime from this grave threat lurking on the horizon. This is a call to arms for all who enjoy anime! We can no longer wait! We must retaliate against these felines before their numbers grow! The time is now! Prepare for battle! –3/5/02
