Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Go Greyhound

So the other day I was in Abilene, Kansas and ended up going to the Greyhound Hall of Fame, sure, because when I think Kansas, I think Greyhound Hall of Fame. I was unaware that such an esteemed center of historic significance existed in the same town as, oh, what was the name, oh yea, Eisenhower, whatever he did. The Greyhound Hall of Fame obviously dwarfs any significance that person could have done. I was unable to pay attention to the cinematic masterpiece of film describing something or other about Greyhounds due to excitement, I was downright giddy to see the rest of the building, if it can be called that, sanctum of majesty might fit better.

What sort of buses had been inducted? Would they have the ‘62 Explorer model? What about the Trekrunner Greyhound bus of ‘97? What other wonderful buses would be there? Would it describe the tales of heroism in moving people from one place to another or focus more on the humanitarian acts of the bus? What committee decides which buses to induct? Do they travel to the meeting on a bus? These questions filled my mind as I quickly searched for the Hall of Fame area in high expectations while passing by a bunch of exhibits based on the dog the buses are named for. The Hall of Fame was cleverly hidden among a group of museum-like exhibits, making sure only the worthy walk through its cherished halls.

Or that’s what I thought, until I realized, that it was not a Hall of Fame for buses, but a Hall of Fame for racing dogs. All the so-called greats were there like Hi There and Kunta Kinte. Well, not there, there, more like, horribly pixilated gold and black images of them were there, it was like they were still alive… and heavily pixilated. One of my favorite names was of course Gangster*. I’m not sure what you do with the asterisk when you say the name, like if you say ‘Gangsterasterisk,’ or maybe ‘Gangster’ and then proceed to read some sort of note about him, maybe ‘Gangster: not affiliated with any actual gang’ or ‘Gangster: a Milton-Bradley Corporation.’

There were some other somewhat-interesting yet still undeniably disappointing parts in the non-Hall of Fame portion, like pottery with Greyhounds on it, and statues of Greyhounds, and a model of a racetrack, and something else I can only assumed is used to violate the dogs in some way. There was also a skeleton of a Greyhound there and next to it, a poster comparing the human skeleton to that of a Greyhound, except the Greyhound was standing on its hind legs, just like a person! It used such technical terms as foot and toes. But there wasn’t even a single mention of buses!

What on earth is wrong with those people? One bus, or at least a part of one bus is all I’m asking. It’s not too much. And apparently there’s fifty whole tracks in the U.S. Golly, if it was legal everywhere that’d be a whole track per a state! Obviously I’ve underestimated it’s popularity. Then I came across the gift shop, yet again, no buses or toy buses or anything of the sort. There were shirts… and well, sweatshirts. Then I found out that the Greyhound Bus Museum is in Minnesota, I guess I’ll take a train or something. - 6/15/04
