Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Halloween Fun

Halloween is definitely a very unique holiday. It is a time where people ritualistically carve out the succulent innards of massive gourds to use their empty husks, after being decorated as beheaded victims with their last screams of their horrible demise etched into them, glowing as mere torches in order to light the way for those who partake in the ceremony of transforming their faces and enveloping their bodies into a creature of the night to roam through the streets of our beloved cities demanding sugary delights to satisfy their insatiable hunger of bloodlust, destruction, and chocolate advanced by the many who take the removed innards and consume them in the form of a pie in some futile attempt to obtain the power of the vanquished gourd (I don't even eat victims in pie form). That, or it's just a holiday where people give candy to children. It is definitely the only time of the year you can go around freely while bloodied and brandishing a weapon and not have others run away as you approach them (trust me, I've tried it on other days). Not only that, they even give you free candy. You can walk around carrying severed limbs and people will ask if you're a mass murderer or even a cannibal. If you say yes they'll usually laugh and sometimes will compliment on how you've dressed (they're just my ordinary murdering clothes).

There are many monsters that these young ones mimic including many who say they go as Frankenstein. I have never seen anyone dressed up as Frankenstein on Halloween. Sure, I've seen people dressed up as Frankenstein's monster, but none as Frankenstein. Frankenstein was the Doctor (fellow psychopath) that created a monster (by reanimating dead tissue… hmm with me unanimating tissue we'd make great partners), hence Frankenstein's monster. However, people seem to think they are dressing up as Frankenstein. Others say they meant Frankenstein's monster, but how lazy are they if they don't want to add " 's monster" and avoid confusing those who know things. There are many questions that are never really answered about Frankenstein's monster. For instance, what would happen if his bolts became rusty? Would he need a Tetanus shot, because he isn't quite alive. Could he get the bolts replaced? I think he should be relocated to better conditions if Dr. Frankenstein took so pitiful care of him. Would anyone take in a Frankenstein monster? Would he be classified as an animal? After all, he isn't really human because he's dead…-ish (he is green after all). Through some mix-up he'd probably end up in a morgue or some funeral home. He'd have to try and explain, despite his inability to talk, that he was alive. He'd then get angry, smash things and then the Hulk would be arrested accidentally because he is also green and likes to smash things (moving on).

Some people think Halloween is a fantastic holiday while others think it's stupid. Instead of having a lengthy debate of all the different points and views about it, I say we put these people that argue so much about it into a giant arena (with spectators of course) where instead of debating they can prove their point by force. After which the 'winners' will be put on trial for murder and then executed (hooray for spectators). The point I'm trying to make is (I like carnage) that most people shouldn't really care (and I like carnage), and hey it stimulates the (carnage) economy by way of candy sales, decorations, costumes, and cavities (carnage is fun). Also, it's the only time of year where I can have a bunch of coffins in my yard without anyone asking any prying questions like: 'Hello.' 'What are you doing?' and 'Hey, put that down.' Also, I can borrow a shovel for 'decorations' although they will still say things like: 'Sure, you can borrow my shovel.' 'What's that knife for?' 'Aaaaah!' 'I said you could borrow it!' and 'Stop it!' Halloween, how I adore your inconspicuousness. -10/31/02
