Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Halloween Haters

Don't be hatin' Halloween, it hasn't done nothin' to nobody. Recently, Halloween has been under fire in foreign countries. Places like France and Russia have turned their backs on a holiday that was never really theirs and they didn't really care about. They believe it to be some sort of evil holiday associated with evil things. Russia said it was based on a "cult of death," well I wouldn't call it a "cult," more like a group that gets together and kind of likes imitating death. And aren't all cults essentially cults of death, they all seem to end up that way in the end. So cult is a bit harsh. It's a celebratory holiday after all, we aren't hypnotized at all by constant ads and commercials and themed programming, and we're a freethinking society that likes dressing up as witches and vampires and the like. It's not like we're tarred and feathered if we don't participate; we use eggs.

The Moscow Education Department said it is "destructive for the psychological, moral and spiritual well-being of the pupils." Didn't you know that dressing up as goblins and aliens for a single night in order to get candy from people is going to scar them for life? Such events as "pretending" and doing things in jest will destroy our children's minds. It will rotten their minds, as well as their teeth with the sweet taste of amusement and fun. Such degradation of everything serious is something that is completely unacceptable. The letter sent by the Education Department asked for schools to ban the "festival." We can't have things like festivals interrupting the learning environment of our children. Of course banning it in schools won't really do anything about people trick-or-treating at night and out of school, which is usually when and where that type of thing is done, but oh well.

France has turned their back on the ever-growing holiday as well. Offering All-Saints Day cakes instead of Halloween cakes. That's why I'm glad to be an American, if I want a cake with an axe murderer with extra red frosting I can go to any number of places who will compete for my business. Pumpkin decorations and "haunted castle" themed parties have recently arrived in France according to one person against the holiday. Now, that's wrong. I've never been to a "haunted castle" themed party, not that I really go to parties, but really, from what I've heard from people we don't just go around holding haunted castle themed parties. You can't really get a "haunted castle" costume or anything like that.

The head of the French anti-Halloween initiative said, "Halloween plays with death, it wants to scare us." Technically, people play with death and death-related things. The holiday itself can't actually do things. It's also kind of sad when you're afraid of a holiday. Something about that just seems wrong, then again, look who it is. Another group is instead celebrating the Gallic New Year in their "stand" against Halloween. For the holiday some restaurants are actually serving boar and cabbage, with some "lucky" people finding inflatable swords and helmets in their meal. Sounds delicious. With thirty-five percent of the French celebrating the holiday last year, growing only a miniscule amount from the previous year, this "stand" seems a little odd. Even if every house gave out candy it isn't really a threat to anything, and with one in every three houses giving out candy, it is assuredly not a big threat to anything. Of course, with enough eggs and enough sugar-addicted children, those numbers will surely change. -11/2/03
