Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

High Research

We all see them; hanging around in small groups, sometimes laughing like idiots, with their habits that continually interfere with education and social development. Them and their exercise you say, such a tragedy, you may begin to believe they’re addicted to it. Well, you may not be far off. While showing no signs of addiction or harmful effects to the body, a study has proven that the chemical producing the buzz feeling after smoking marijuana is linked to the so-called “runner’s high” that people feel after a certain amount of exercise. High levels of anandamide were found in people tested after running or cycling at a moderate pace for about an hour. Anandamide are lipid molecules naturally produced in the body generating similar sensations to THC, the chemical in marijuana. They believe that they are released after prolonged stress and pain of moderate to intense exercise.

Think of the consequences this study will create. Imagine, children everywhere exercising in an attempt to catch a psychoactive high in a natural way. Children forming exercising cliques, shutting themselves off from others and the TV to obtain a natural high. Never has the phrase “high on life” been more destructive. How can drug dealers hope to compete with an activity that provides the same service for absolutely no cost? Can the exuberantly rich drug lords survive such an economic calamity? What about their grossly over-paid underlings? And what about the lowest rung of the drug ladder, the scummy dealers that the drug lords bring into their drug empire? A whole economic and criminal hierarchy is in jeopardy. Of course, it should be kept in mind that this could all be some sort of secret plan by a secret government agency.

After all, America has been declared to be severely obese, what better way to lure kids into fit bodies than to promise them a buzz while doing it? It is the most brilliant exercise program ever to be made up on a whim. Taking the people who wouldn’t try drugs, the lazy, obese ones and getting them to exercise, the ones who are young and rebellious and getting them to start exercising, the cheap druggies start exercising, soon people will become obsessed with spending their free time exercising and the whole nation will be of Olympic caliber fitness. For that is their final goal, our country’s complete and utter domination of the Olympics. After seeing the Atkins craze, it was realized by the higher-ups that all that was needed was a motivation, and now they have it.

Who knows who runs this secret organization, perhaps it was run by Dr. Atkins before his death, and this new take on the exercising effort is a result of a leadership change. Perhaps Richard Simmons after many long years of being laughed at, lead a sweaty coup and took over, crushing all in his path with excessive giddiness. What about harmful side effects to exercising so much? Do they exist? If so, do we need to outlaw extensive exercise? Do we start running people with glaucoma around even though they can’t see very well in place of medicinal use of marijuana? In answer: what about it what kind of question is that, possibly, only if we get tired of exercise programs on television or we could just tax it, and yes because it has the possibility of being quite funny. - 1/11/04
