Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

The Hitler Diaries Continued

Some more random selections from my forgery of a diary by Hitler:

March 1935
I’ve been thinking about naming a city after myself recently. Maybe, Hitlertown or perhaps Führersburg would do. Of course, then I’d have to find a town that is good enough to be named after myself, then I have to write some history thing about how relevant it has been to our precious Aryan past, it’s such a hassle. Goebbels suggested I just make a new town, I could call it New Hitlersville, or something like that. I never imagined falsifying my name into history would be so tedious and difficult!

August 1936
The Olympics are here! It is such a wonderful occasion, I wanted to carry the torch part of the way but I was afraid of tripping in front of my lackeys, who knows how they’d act if I tripped in front of them! They might refer to me as ’The False Step Führer’ or ‘The Fumbling Führer’ or some other ghastly name! I couldn’t take something like that, I’m much too fragile. And if I were to trip and the torch fall upon me and set me afire, well, I would have to execute anyone and everyone who referred to me as ‘The Flaming Führer,’ and I’m guessing that’d be quite a lot of people.

August 1939
Well, Stalin signed the “non-aggression pact.” I bet all those communists I killed are rolling in their freshly dug mass graves! That’s quite a lot of rolling too. I had a delightful bit of ice cream to celebrate this victory, after all, every Aryan gets to indulge every now and then. I didn’t have too much, because, well, you know how I feel about having “extra weight.” I may be superior to other races, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t put on a few pounds if I’m not careful!

June 1940
I met with again Mussolini today, such a delightful Italian! He has a uniform completely covered in shiny medals, I wonder if he realizes how tacky it all looks. He also had a funny-looking hat, I was barely able to keep from snickering in front of him! I tried to get him to go along with my whole ‘Tan Titans’ idea, but he said he really liked wearing all his medals (and, undoubtedly, his goofy hat too!). Oh well, I doubt I could get Hirohito and Tojo to go along with it anyways.

February 1943
It was another rough day for yours truly, it seems like I never get a break, and I was feeling kind of down so I wrote a little poem:

Beautiful flowers everywhere,
In my mind and in my hair,
Dancing through the fields of yore,
Filled with lots of blood and gore,
Sitting upon my throne,
At present all alone,
Off to dream in my bed,
Of undesirables, mostly dead.

I’ve thought about reading that aloud at the next High Command Staff Meeting, but I’m much too timid for that! I’m beginning to blush just thinking about it! - 5/2/04
