Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

In the Middle

Lately, I have started several entries for this section but always find myself stopping in the middle of them unable to continue. They sort of sit there and I think how I can improve upon them, bang my head against the wall, clean the blood off the computer and surrounding area, sit down again, and the process repeats itself many, many times. By the time I get out of the endless loop of think-bang head-clean-sit I have forgotten where my train of thought was going (as well as my name). Maybe the hitting of my head has something to do with it, perhaps I should think that over (ouch, more blood). Where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about cannibalism (hooray). Anyway… you doubt me? It was going to lead into cannibalism eventually, because it always does. When all else fails go to what you know best, cannibalism. Haven't you noticed a trend yet? Like a mighty twister of unimaginable power I create a trail of destruction approaching apocalyptic proportions and wreak havoc on all the sniveling mongrels whom cross my path, in which I cast aside these insignificant peoples, all except those deemed fit for my consumption in a massive feast and then I write about it (neat, huh). Now, back to fried chicken.

Fried chicken is delicious. Various people come up to me often and ask if people taste like chicken. I tell them that I shouldn't say it out in the open and ask them to follow me. I lead them into an alley and quickly dispatch them. I mean, how could these people know this about me, they must be stalking me, or something, which is just wrong. In answer to the question, it really depends on what part you eat. There are many different yummy flavors. At this point how many people have noticed that the original topic has been completely abandoned and forgotten? How many remember the original topic? How many of you just looked up to see what it was? How many are tired of these stupid questions being used because the creator ran out of ideas and is trying to lead into something else (likely something to do with cannibalism)? How many of you have tasted human flesh (see)? Did you enjoy it, oh, silly question.

Anyway, I've left many a Pen Penny in the middle of writing them and just lose interest in continuing them or can't think of anything (current status: in trouble). Sometimes, it's my constant feedings that get in the way of them (subject has retreated to original concept). But, hey you couldn't stop either, scrumptious (this is just sad). Other times I am too busy plotting evil and mischievous schemes (recommended: ignore everything). I also have to practice and plan the various times I go out, for efficiency of course (recommended course: abort). After all, what kind of person goes out hunting without some sort of plan (emergency, emergency)? No, I don't wear one of those bright orange jackets. They would give away my position and (emergency, make more references to cannibalism)… lead too less eating of peoples (situation: nominal).

Just look at this Pen Penny, I started it and then left it for a day. I also took one of the concepts out of it in hopes for nurturing it and letting it grow into a Pen Penny flower (naturally, it's a cannibalistic flower). Whether or not it does, we will leave until I run out of ideas for this section forcing me to do yet another one talking about some part of updating this section (I actually have one in mid-form right now). Although, I may never mention it again, forcing you to try and guess whether or not it was ever finished which will haunt you and peck at your mind in a ruthless and mean way. Either that, or you'll never give it a second thought and if I were to mention it again you would be very confused; as if lost, in the woods, beaten, tired, and all together in a bad situation (with cannibals lurking about, although we don't often hunt in packs). -11/19/02
