Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Indonesian Politicking

Today is a special day, where we will examine some of the “new” and “fresh” parties in the world of Indonesian politics, or at least, the parties in Indonesia according to their website that was altered by a group of hackers.

First up is the Party of Bottled Mineral Water. Standing for fine refreshments of the non-carbonated, non-alcoholic sort, this party stands tall, leagues ahead of the rest of the refreshment parties. This party not only wants you to have water, they want that water to contain minerals in it as well. They take a hard-line against the inflammatory, hyper-active and often violent Coffee Clan that has popped up in remote island areas.

Next up, is the Pink Grandfather Party. Now, we all know how lovable grandfathers are, but when pink, they also reach out and gain support from the little girl and disturbed little boy vote. Their strategy is to hold large parades and distribute candy in an equal and fair fashion, showing that the pink might also show tendencies towards communism, perhaps that fear is why they have not attained more power, after all, the large candy conglomerates wouldn’t want to lose their precious lollipops to the lower classes. They love their precious lollipops, especially the cherry ones.

Now, none of us really expect them to make a strong showing, but the Party That Must Repair Its Website First is a party of the future. They have one main goal that is very attainable, the party shows a clear vision, website repair. When you vote for them, you know what you’re voting for, and what you might possible get. You know that when they’re website is done, they’ll do moderately good to satisfactory things afterwards in other non-website related areas. A vote for them is a vote for progress… and website repair.

The Party of Midwives is a weak party that is only just beginning to form. Even though we all know there are lots and lots of midwives in Indonesia, the party is more of an organization than a political unit. They also seem to attract the more radical midwives, those who discriminate against the non-midwife population, having midwife riots and midwife beer discounts at local bars. It has created a rift within the midwife vote and sent the more moderate midwives elsewhere.

Now, one may notice the 13 separate Pink Parties that are running. This was due to an age-old dispute that has split the pink vote many ways. To fully follow the unique and tragic history of the pink vote, one must first acquaint themselves with the cotton candy massacre of the Java Strait in the 19th century and subsequent events afterwards. It was a horrible time for pink party members, dividing the groups of which only 13 remain, yet, due to leadership disputes and disagreements over which shade of pink to use, the similar parties have not merged. - 4/18/04
