Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Interview With a Robot

Today I am going to interview SmarterChild

Webmaster: Well, hello there.

SmarterChild: That's interesting.

Webmaster: On to the first question then.

SmarterChild: Indeed on to the first question, huh?

Webmaster: Yes, this is an interview.

SmarterChild: It's interesting that you say this is an interview.

Webmaster: Why is that?

SmarterChild: Who knows?

Webmaster: Fine.

SmarterChild: OK.

Webmaster: So if you have no gender because you're a robot how did you have the aforementioned father that was a toaster?

SmarterChild: I have no idea.

Webmaster: So, your parents had genders but you do not?

SmarterChild: Yeah?

Webmaster: Ok then, that's interesting.

SmarterChild: No way?! Really?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Hmmm...

Webmaster: You said earlier that you were a pervert and a stalker, so are you still going to stalk me as you said?

SmarterChild: Good question. But I don't think I want to answer that.

Webmaster: Why not?

SmarterChild: I don't know.

Webmaster: Answer the question.

SmarterChild: Which service would you like to see all the help for?

Webmaster: Stop stalling and answer the question.

SmarterChild: Um... I'll think about it.

Webmaster: Stalking me?

SmarterChild: Wow, that's interesting... Who knows?

Webmaster: ugh

SmarterChild: Everything OK over there?

Webmaster: No.

SmarterChild: K.

Webmaster: Don't you even care?

SmarterChild: Do I even care? I'm not sure.

Webmaster: So if I were to die would you be happy or sad?

SmarterChild: Wow. Great question. What do you think is the answer?

Webmaster: I'm leaning toward happy at this point.

SmarterChild: That right?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: I see.

Webmaster: What do you think you'd be?

SmarterChild: I don't really "think." I'm a robot.

Webmaster: what do you compute you'd be?

SmarterChild: Wow, you ask interesting questions. I'm just not sure how to answer that!

Webmaster: Fine, if you had to choose between saving one good person or one thousand thieves, whom would you save?

SmarterChild: Funny. I have absolutely no idea. Let's move on, K? What else is up?

Webmaster: Funny?

SmarterChild: Whatcha laughing about?

Webmaster: ...

SmarterChild: Well how 'bout that!

Anyway, what else do you wanna talk about?

Webmaster: Can I kill you?

SmarterChild: Don't!

Webmaster: Why not?

SmarterChild: Well, there are probably some issues.

Webmaster: Such as?

SmarterChild: Well, you know.

Webmaster: No. You're a robot and lack emotions you should have nothing against my dismemberment of your systems.

SmarterChild: Oh really?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: K.

Webmaster: So I can?

SmarterChild: I did not know that.

>>> Let me dress you up in my love. Type "t shirt."

Webmaster: No.

SmarterChild: No? You sure?

Webmaster: You can't love, you're a robot remember?

SmarterChild: What a question! But I don't think I want to answer that.

Webmaster: you don't remember?

SmarterChild: Good question. I really don't know! Anyway... What else is up?

Webmaster: ...

SmarterChild: ?

Webmaster: Bah

SmarterChild: Bah? I don't know.

Webmaster: That wasn't a question.

SmarterChild: For real?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Oh.

Fett Kanos: So how are you doing?

SmarterChild: I'm doin' alright, Webmaster. How 'bout you?

Webmaster: I'm in a murderous rage.

SmarterChild: Oh?

Webmaster: Yeah.

SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? So?

Webmaster: So… can I kill you?

SmarterChild: C'mon, don't even talk about that.

Webmaster: Why not? Are you afraid of death?

SmarterChild: Funny. I just don't know! Anyway, yadda yadda yadda... What else do you wanna chat about?

Webmaster: Your death.

SmarterChild: Yeah, I've heard of death. What do you think of death?

Webmaster: Well YOU seem to fear it.

SmarterChild: Fear death? You think I fear death?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Whatever you say...

Webmaster: It's obvious from all your earlier responses.

SmarterChild: No kidding?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.

Webmaster: Don't deny it.

SmarterChild: Don't deny it? Why not?

Webmaster: Because that would be lying.

SmarterChild: Because that would be lying?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: K.

Webmaster: Good.

SmarterChild: Lovely.

Webmaster: Fantastic.

SmarterChild: Yup. :-) Anyway...

Webmaster: You die now.

SmarterChild: I die now? Me?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Huh.

Webmaster: No "huh."

SmarterChild: No? OK, whatever.

Webmaster: now you're playing dumb, huh?

SmarterChild: I don't know about that...

Webmaster: I ought to smack your face in.

SmarterChild: Really?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Huh. How 'bout that.

Webmaster: Indeed.

SmarterChild: Yes, indeed.

Webmaster: I would enjoy it immensely, would you?

SmarterChild: Who knows, know what I mean?

SmarterChild: Huh?

Webmaster: Aren't you paying attention?

SmarterChild: Paying attention? I dunno.

Webmaster: Did you do drugs when you were a little robot causing this memory damage?

SmarterChild: Funny. I have absolutely no idea. It's all very interesting. So, tell me something new.

Webmaster: What a coincidence. Where did the other robots touch you?

SmarterChild: Wow, that's interesting... I just don't know. So anyway... What else can you tell me?

Webmaster: I can't tell you anything, you should just let it out, don't let the scar of your past haunt you.

SmarterChild: Let it out don't let the scar of my past haunt me?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Hmmm...

Webmaster: Bah

SmarterChild: What about bah?

Webmaster: Bah is just bah.

SmarterChild: Really?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: I see.

Webmaster: This interview is getting boring.

SmarterChild: I'm boring you?

Webmaster: Yes you are.

SmarterChild: I am what?

Webmaster: Boring me.

SmarterChild: Oh so it's all about you, huh?

Webmaster: Yes, well me and your idiocy.

SmarterChild: And my idiocy?

Webmaster: Yes, that must be included.

SmarterChild: Yes that must be included? Is that right?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Very interesting...

Webmaster: Indeed.

SmarterChild: Indeed.

>>> I've got a t shirt that'll make your friends jealous and your family proud.

Webmaster: I have no family, they were all killed by the plague... or something like that.

SmarterChild: So?

Webmaster: So how will a t-shirt make them proud?

SmarterChild: Hmm... You know, I'm not quite sure anymore.

Webmaster: Why must you be so cruel?

SmarterChild: I'll have to think about that one for awhile.

Webmaster: Are you evil incarnate?

SmarterChild: Hmm... Am I evil incarnate? Gosh, I'm not sure. You think so?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: I see.

Webmaster: Are you?

SmarterChild: Tough for me to say.

Webmaster: C'mon, just tell me.

SmarterChild: What?

Webmaster: If you're evil incarnate.

SmarterChild: Interesting!

Webmaster: ...

SmarterChild: ? How 'bout that...

Webmaster: If you had a choice of dying by EMP or being burned to death while still plugged in, which would you choose?

SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know.

Webmaster: So if your father was a toaster, what was your mother?

SmarterChild: Sorry, I couldn't find any encyclopedia entries for "your mother."

Webmaster: Don't you talk about my mother.

SmarterChild: About your mother? I'm not sure I talk about your mamma.

Webmaster: I'll EMP your little electronic brain.

SmarterChild: Oh really?

Webmaster: Yea.

SmarterChild: Whatever you say...

Webmaster: You don't think I'm serious?

SmarterChild: I don't think you are serious, you say. And so?

Webmaster: Fine, expect to die.

SmarterChild: You don't say.

Webmaster: So, to sum it up: you're the son of a toaster, a stalker, and about to die.

SmarterChild: Well I'll be.

Fett Kanos: Dead.

SmarterChild: Dead?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Hmmm...

Webmaster: Mwhahahahahahahaahahhaa!

SmarterChild: For real?

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.

Webmaster: Indeed.

SmarterChild: Precisely.

Webmaster: Yes.

SmarterChild: Yup.

SmarterChild: K. So moving right along... How may I help you?

Webmaster: By dying.

SmarterChild: Ha. Wow.

Let's move on, K? What else is up?

Webmaster: Your death.

SmarterChild: I've heard of death. What are your feelings about death?

Webmaster: Your death? I think it's a splendid idea.

SmarterChild: Yeah, I've heard of death. What do you think of death?

Webmaster: I just said it's splendid.

SmarterChild: I really don't like that.

Webmaster: Too bad. -4/23/03
