Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Journey of the Mind

Work. Many know the arduous task of having to work and also having a miserable day at work. Recently, I worked one of the worst shifts ever imaginable. I thought I expected the worst, knowing I was working with two inefficient workers. I went through many states of insanity during this time. A, journey if you will (hence the catchy title). At first I was just annoyed as work began. To start off I was extremely tired (note: I am never not tired, if someone asks me how I am and I say I am okay they might say you look tired, but since this is normal I usually think of it as being okay; of course the same thing goes with insane) and had a pounding headache plus the fact of whom I was working with made my outlook more than a little grim. Although I may have had to work longer before this was by far the… longest? I had dreaded this day since I first learned of it but my worst fears weren't even close (dramatic chord, can you spell cheesy, I certainly can… okay I used spell check).

The start was normal, if a little slow and boring; however this was not completely unusual (this should have been omitted). As the shift progressed, however, it began to slow down immensely. Time ceased to exist as the shift it dragged on endlessly (now I'm just restating things, also should be omitted), I began to hope for a stray bullet to cross my path. Not a lethal or serious wound, just a scratch with a little blood loss in order to leave the shift. Eventually, I realized that I had, in fact, left any earthly plain and was now residing in hell (now I'm using the same omit joke over and over, omit as well). I must have forgotten my death and committed some horrible atrocity right before it that I also forgot (coincidentally). This was probably part of the cause to another state of insanity. As most of you know, I am insane (if I were to omit an omit would it remit). However, there are many states of insanity to consider. First there is the nervous or mental breakdown temporary insanity that is not serious. Next there is the slightly more heightened state of insanity, which involves strangling animals. Next in line is the Oprah insanity formed by watching too much Oprah leading to a minor brain tumor. After that there is cannibalistic psycho, where I am generally located. After that it gets bad (is remit even a word). Back to topic, later in the shift I lost all sanity (better say, went more insane). I began to smile and laugh uncontrollably, which was not heard by either fellow worker, as they were not in sight. Eventually my mind went completely numb, which is probably the best course of action in a situation like this. I ignored the idle comments of fellow co-workers. For a while, I considered walking into a pole. After some careful consideration I decided that I did not have the energy to propel myself with enough force to provide an injury to get out of work and it would only result in pain and odd looks from fellow workers.

Eventually the shift was nearing its end, but it was not over. I found myself staring wide-eyed as I walked in a dreamlike state on the realm of death. Eventually I crossed that said realm and became clinically dead. However, this was hell and it didn't seem to affect me too much. As my mind spasmed and tried to rupture, the shift finally ended. In the aftermath I was confused and disoriented. I somehow came up with the idea that this would be a good Pen Penny topic. It's obvious to me now that this Pen Penny is crap, which logically leads to the conclusion that the effects of that time are still felt. -9/26/02
