Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Krafting America

I recently viewed a commercial for Kraft's Macaroni & Cheese that ended with a strange slogan, "America spells cheese K-R-A-F-T." Now, I may be wrong, but I am fairly certain cheese is spelled C-H-E-E-S-E. It even shows it spelled that way right they’re on the screen. Did the creators of this commercial not catch this mistake? It is quite obvious to any viewer. Perhaps, since Kraft holds a monopoly over the macaroni & cheese market, they feel they can poke fun at our educational system. This makes me sick (not the Macaroni & Cheese, which is quite delicious, but the fact that they poke fun at our educational system). Do they feel that they have so much power that they can laugh at us and still successfully sell their product? Yes. Can they? Yes. There is no real competition in the macaroni & cheese market to Kraft. It is an unstoppable force holding down other macaroni's, like the kind that comes canned and tastes bland. What of the Supreme Court? Have I missed any discussions on the news about the break-up of Kraft's macaroni & cheese monopoly, creating two separate companies: macaroni and cheese. I believe I have not. While Microsoft may have increased their price with a monopoly, Kraft attacks our pride. Where is justice regarding this cheesy cruelty? It is yet to be found. A reason for this may be that a few years ago, Phillip Morris, which has brought us such fine things as cigarettes and cancer (a byproduct of smoking, they don't actually sell cancer), purchased Kraft. Are they now getting their vengeance on Congress's acts by striking at America? Since cigarette companies are often perceived as bad I'll just say yes. It seems fiendish enough to fit their image. Though they have had commercials saying that for over twenty years Kraft has helped in humanitarian aid across the world (ironically Kraft was bought by Phillip Morris far less than twenty years ago so they obviously did not start these programs of aid). They also have anti-smoking campaigns that they were forced to make by Congress. Undoubtedly, costing them money. All these point to a disguised attack. Where will it end? Who knows maybe they'll just be satisfied with this attack and they will end. Or will they? They may just go on attacking. A public apology should be demanded for this insult. If they do not give one there should be a massive protest organized to help defeat their giant cheesy tower of might. We must release ourselves from their cheesy grip. Only a large and organized boycott of their delicious macaroni & cheese can get them to stop these hurtful ads. Oh excuse me, my Macaroni & Cheese is ready. -4/19/02
