Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Library Court

Recently, a woman was jailed for not returning overdue library books and apparently this is nothing new. She did not have the books and could not pay the $120 charge for the three books (she must have checked out the really expensive kind). She was then placed in jail and, no surprise, could not pay the $750 bail. It seems libraries have gotten to full of themselves, and they should be taken down a notch. Of course, if they buy all their books for $40, it's no wonder they want them back so badly. "We're not heartless," said the library director. Really? I think you are eager to prosecute because you want the money. When did our public book holding receptacles become all about the money. It used to be about the books and reading, now it's all money. What caused this degradation to our libraries? I sadly do not know the cause. It could be an infiltration of a group trying to destroy America (why not, I’ve heard crazier). Are you suggesting, it’s crazy? You want some proof just go to you’re library and ask your local librarian when their library first became corrupt. The odd look you get and the call for security after yelling at the corrupt librarian is undeniable proof that it is there. If you are banned, then it cannot be denied. Trust me it will happen if you confront them with the truth. Spread your truth to the people. They must know what has happened to our once great libraries. Be careful, they don’t like you standing at their entrance bad-mouthing them. I am making a generalization, there are a few uncorrupted libraries left. They are relatively few and far between and will likely be among their corrupt brothers soon. How much do these directors get paid for "running a library?" Truckloads (maybe). The director also said, "If they return the books, there's no charge." Oh, so you are willing to drop the charges, maybe there is a sliver of good in your blackened coal of a heart. Wait, no. They still have to pay the late fees, don't they "Mr. Director?" If you are thinking, “what you don't want to charge late fees for library books.” Nothing of the sort. There should be large penalties for keeping their books. Whatever happened to the good old days when librarians were strong and would "pay you a visit" if you did not return their books? What happened to them (I repeat)? I don't know, I am not entirely sure when or if that was. Could they do this now? No. Unfortunately the best they can do is put you in front of a military tribunal and mark you for death in an attempt to sabotage our libraries. Too bad. Wait, you might say, did you just reverse your opinion completely. No, go back and re-read the article to find out. First move your cursor up some. Yes that's it. A little more to the right. Keep going. There, now click on that "X." Why? Do you doubt my intentions? Do it because it will help you understand the article, goo- -4/12/02
