Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Like A Fox

Recently someone called me crazy and I said 'crazy like a fox' in reply (okay, nobody called me crazy, I'm not crazy, just follow along with the cheap setup). Anyway, how did this saying come to be? I assume that foxes can be crazy, but could you point a crazy one out in a lineup? Could an animal expert even do that? What about that pet psychic lady on Animal Planet? Why can't it be crazy like a ferret? Are ferrets not good enough to be compared as crazy-like? I recently spoke with a ferret on this matter and he was really upset. No, I'm not crazy it was a super intelligent ferret genetically engineered by the government. What? Although he seemed to have broke out of a facility and I interrupted his talks with NOMS (National Organization of Mad Scientists) as I looked into his ferret hole to ask him (what, I found it walking, okay). Why when someone is called crazy they say crazy like a fox is there something specifically good about foxes being crazy? All in all the foxes are rather looked down upon. It is sad (I'm really crying now). They are known as wolves weak little cousins and dogs wild relatives. This must makes foxes generally depressed. If they are present in stories they usually end up gnawing of a leg (foxes like to gnaw). Is that why they went crazy? Are all foxes crazy? How would being crazy like a fox compare to being regular human crazy?

Foxy lady is a term now generally associated with an attractive young woman (are you tired of my discussing foxes). Would you want to be with someone who is foxy? Before answering to your monitor and looking like a freak consider this. Among the dictionary definitions for foxy the terms clever, sneaky, and deceitful are listed. What a catch someone like that would be. What kind of sick person would come up with something connecting a fox to someone being attractive anyway? They must have been crazy (not like a fox, human crazy). Maybe they were attracted to people with long pointy snouts. Perhaps they just liked people who could quickly sneak up behind them with a rabbit hidden in their chops. Another definition of foxy is discolored by age. Hey I think I see an old, discolored, deceitful person over there, do you want to say hi? If there are a lot of fish in the sea and some people are foxy, would they be foxy fish? Could foxy fish breathe while outside the water, after all they are like foxes right? Would any fox be considered foxy? I think they would after all, other than being discolored by age they seem to fit the description. Maybe there's some sort of link.

Do I take things too literally (paragraph transitions seem to suck don't they)? That may be so, I'm often called crazy like a cheetah, and that's pretty bad, I think. I'm not too sure where cheetahs rank on the animal kingdom's crazy list. Foxes are downtrodden and I think they need a spokesperson. I would make an excellent spokesperson for the fox species. It's not that I'm a fox or anything (stops typing looks at paws, continues). We- I mean they don't do much to deserve such treatment as being called crazy or being compared to people. Let's see a real crazy fox actually succeed in doing something worth noticing. Have you ever even met a crazy fox? How dare you assume what crazy foxes are like. Do the humans-er; we have some sort of secret envy toward the great and wonderful foxes? That is probably so, I mean, just look at them. They have superior speed and are all extremely clever. They lie in wait until an opportunity to strike presents itself. Foxes may not be a threat (falls over with laughter, recovers) so they should be dismissed from concern. Ferrets are the real concern. Look at the facts a ferret is the newest member of NOMS. That seems to be all now excuse me as I enjoy my meal. Did you know genetically engineered ferret tastes like a baked potato? -8/4/02
