Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Looting Monkeys

Recently I attended an event in which some parts consisted of food items being thrown out into the crowd. These people went after these foodstuffs with great and vicious zeal. It was a scene akin to that of the Iraqi people crowding around food distribution vehicles in a large disorderly mass. They fought amongst themselves like a group of hungry fighter-amongst-themselves-type people. They did not seem to care about jumping onto others or the danger of several people jumping into the same area of space occupied by foodstuffs at the same given point in time resulting in collisions. Their lack of all civility was shocking to Ted Nugent and myself. There was also looting present at this event by many a varied persons. They were stealing all types of decorative items, including fish and inflatable monkeys.

They were not able to resist the temptation of these monkeys. The monkeys were all inflated, and when the command was given to not take these monkeys, they took the monkeys anyway. Their total disregard for orders given by a fool in a high chair does not speak well of listening to lifeguards. This is not good. If one of them were to drown in one of these inflatable materials, they would ignore the lifeguard as he sits upon his high chair. Although there was no water or lifeguards, this point still remains somewhat valid. Except for the fact that it isn't at all. If the event had not ended I suspect it would have resulted in the high chair being torched beyond recognition, possibly along with the commanding person occupying its seat, oh the hilarity. The lack of authority given to people in high chairs is a disturbing breakdown in society in this modern day with these whippersnappers and rapscallions running about. The fellows alongside me did not think this reflected well upon the persona of the audience. Although it seemingly did reflect the majority. If I were there, which I was, it would have been no different. These rapscallion whippersnappers ought to be flogged for their lack of respect for people in high chairs and inflatable monkeys.

The inflatable monkey dates back to the early time of events, the first known incident was tried unsuccessfully with the attempted inflation of a monkey made out of sheep bladders. This unfortunately did not work very well as the bladders didn't inflate well and they had problems finding people willing to inflate sheep bladder monkeys, even with the possibilities of a tremendous leap in monkey inflation science. Scientists struggled for many years to create an inflatable monkey. This priceless possession that man has labored toward for many years was utterly disgraced by these civilian mongrels. This utter desecration is a sad mark upon the history of humanity, nay, the universe itself. How could these young folk do such horrible things? I, who witnessed these events find it hard to believe, for it's events are beyond description in terribleness. The fish and seahorse decorations that were also stolen were a grave reminder of the suffering of the Tibetan people under Chinese rule, kind of. Anyways, there was looting and pillaging, but no raping, although the raping of these inflatable monkeys by way of their desecration cannot be ignored and it is unknown if these monkeys were raped later on in seclusion. Some deflated these monkeys to make away with them.

I cannot stress enough the unbridled evil that was let loose upon this event. These people seemed starved in the way they went after the foodstuffs. Like a pack of wild animals they fought over these measly morsels of so-called "potato chips." Some were not even eaten by these crazy people, as they were ripped apart before ever touching the ground in a wild potato frenzy. The animalistic nature of these people is like watching a pride of lions feast on a carcass, a potatoey chip carcass. This potatoey chip carcass would be fought over and possibly lost to some other animal due to this conflict, maybe a gazelle. More likely a sort of wing-ed creature like a vulture, or a sparrow. The brutality is unspeakable. Okay, it isn't but it is rather close to the unspeakable level. It is more of not spoke often level because of its brutality. I'm not certain if it is unwritable, if it was I would be breaking this code, but it needs to be written in order to be learned from. Never again can we let such utter lack of respect for inflatable monkeys and they're accompanying decorations of fish, that don't really fit together once its thought about for a little bit, happen again. If we don't remember this dark day, it could happen again, let it be taught in every classroom and in every other place where people go to learn stuff, so that the inflatable monkeys will be safe. -5/24/03
