Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Man Versus Machine

David and Goliath. Athens and Sparta. Persia and Greece. All are epic opponents that faced off in battle in a bygone era. A new battle will be added to the list… minus the bygone era thingy. That battle? Me and my computer. For far too long, my computer has been my greatest enemy. Sure, I've had other, lesser enemies, but they are quickly thwarted. Of course, they'd probably be called "heroes" or "champions of justice" by others. However, my computer stands not for good, but only for the very, very annoying. Its mocking laughter that I imagine fills the room, even now. It's evil knows no bounds. How could such a thing exist, this… this abomination? It is a mass of circuitry and conduits forming a sinister jamboree of evil.

It can't be that bad you say. Ignorant fool, you may think your computer is bad, however it can be unimaginably worse. It is always mocking me, even when it is just restarted. A window pops up from a program saying "if you are having PC problems press spacebar now." Oh, how devilishly ironic. There has not been an instance in recent times where I have not seen the message solely because of "PC problems." If you think that is the answer, you do not fathom how deep the problems run. The program is powerless against the overwhelming malevolence in the machine. I am the only one who can operate it at all. Others are unable to; they don't understand and can't imagine a computer so flawed.

Is it really flawed, or just part of a sinister plot? When I close a program, sometimes an error message will pop up that says the program that I had closed had an error and has to be closed. If that sentence was hard to understand (and knowing the people who read this, it probably was, you know who you are) basically, my computer thinks there's a problem with a program and wants it to be closed. Apparently, it doesn't realize the program isn't operating because I already closed it. Plus, the majority of the time the message will not close, either that or it will instantly pop up again and not go away; thereby freezing my computer and forcing me to restart it in which I see the mocking message again.

At other times, I'll open a messenger program and, it doesn't open. I ctrl-alt-delete and close the program that isn't working. Then, I open it again. It does the same thing. After several times of it not working I'll just restart the computer. Also, often times when I open a new window to talk to someone, the program stops working and I have to close it again. Or, sometimes when someone logs in… or off… or starts to talk to me (it happens, no really). Basically, at any point in time it'll just decide to randomly close. I've almost developed a sixth sense and can tell lag from a program error. People look on in awe when I do this, and they are extremely frustrated and don't understand when they try to do something on the computer.

If I open too many things at once, multi-colored vertical lines will go all over the screen. If I close one of the things that are open, it will eventually go away. This is especially annoying when it's caused by self-replicating pop up ads. Often times, I have to restart the computer when this happens. At other points in time, my symbol keys (such as question mark or slash) decide to switch places randomly. This wouldn't be too terribly irritating except for the fact that I'm often trying to do code for this website at the time. Sometimes I can't even find the ones I need and I have to cut paste different things in order to update. The most annoying though is when I restart the computer and then something goes wrong and I have to restart it again. And then something else will go wrong and I have to restart it a third time. At that point I'm ready to take a hammer to the computer, many, many times. At some point in the future me and my computer will have a battle and only one of us will survive. -8/31/03
