Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

The More Things Change

It is said the more things change the more they stay the same. I can only hope this isn't true in every case because if it is, despite the new look this website will still be incredibly crappy. I can only hope the new sleek (okay, that might be a slight exaggeration) look can somehow counteract or skew how crappy it actually is. Perhaps the more appealing look will somehow make visitors like it more despite the crap I put up. In reality little has actually changed, after all I'm still working on the site with the same crappy computer and I wanted to get a dot com for the one year anniversary of the site but it wasn't economically feasible and I just couldn't get around to stealing or conning the funds in time (I was busy with other 'endeavors'). I'm also still constantly saying the word 'crappy' every couple of sentences. What else? I'm still asking questions as a setup for answering them in an incredibly stupid and annoying fashion. Getting a dot com really would not have affected much either except for me having to do a lot more work. I would say the other old saying about changes (it seems I like sayings) but I currently can't remember if it's change isn't always a good thing, always a good thing, or never a good thing. Since I can't seem to think of it by chance of looking foolish other wise I will just not mention it (…whoops). Although the font size didn't actually change the size of Verdana is larger than that of High Tower Text. This makes it look like I have more content than I actually do, which is really helpful because I like filling up pages with deadwood.

My website changes from time to time each time … changing (vocabulary is a wonderful thing, so is deadwood). Whether small improvements, fixing one of many errors, attacking innocent civilians, or just nonsense updates of me apologizing about not actually updating the website doesn't really seem to improve it a whole lot (I really like the deadwood). So did the look of it really matter? Absolutely (it tastes like spicy chicken). Whether it was worth several hours of time and missed opportunities in the realm of criminal activities is yet to be seen (by 'it' I mean deadwood). The improvements may not have been overwhelming but turned out fine (the aftertaste is slightly bitter though, of deadwood, I mean). Even with the multiple changes some things didn't change (all in all the aftertaste isn't too bad). As already mentioned the basic crap that is put up won't really differ (what I mean is if I had a choice between deadwood and something else I'd probably choose deadwood). As the last time the font changed I'm leaving the old news in the font it was originally put up in, don't ask why (that's how much I like it). People may complain that I haven't changed the main image for about six months, but I say look at the old ones, and I think I've done pretty well considering all I have is Paint (the program, not the artistic supply, I'm not actually stupid enough to paint my computer screen, c'mon everyone knows you chisel a computer monitor).

The standard has become for a Pen Penny to have three paragraphs and to have a new one, on average, about once a week. I'm not sure how the standard became that way (I don't want to write three whole paragraphs). All I know is now it is expected because people want a large amount of crap for your time. Why, in the good old days (about 10 months ago) no one would complain when a Pen Penny was short, but still full of crap. Of course no one visited the site back then, but who's keeping track besides the CIA, FBI, and NSA who all have me under tight surveillance because of certain 'coincidences' that seem to befall me. Now it's all length this and length that, so don't blame me for my acts of deadwood. I only did it as a necessity. You must understand, it was you, you who forced me into it (breaks down and sobs, recovers). Moving on, for this Pen Penny I had a choice to talk about multiple things with the website or just the website. It seems I chose wrong. Really, I only had enough to take up two paragraphs. Some of you may have noticed that this paragraph is nothing but deadwood. Pure and unrefined, at its raw best (or worse if you're reading this) and really makes this third paragraph completely meaningless. So in order of making it easier for me and worse for you I have decided to do something perhaps unheard of in the deadwood world. Insert your own comments about deadwood here: deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, deadwood, and deadwood. There, that's better. -9/14/02.
