Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny. To understand some of the references please read Wild Speculations and Speculations No Longer.


In response to my exposure of the planned tree uprising, collaborators with the Herbal Underground have attempted to throw mud on my image, claiming I am an alien or host an alien in my body. Even if this was true, and I'm not saying that it is, would that make the exposure of the plot by plant life any less significant? No. Apparently, this alien "is not harmful, is in fact very cuddly and affectionate." Can't you just feel the cuddliness and my affectionate nature just emanating out of these writings? Does it make you warm and fuzzy all over? If so, it is likely you are near a radioactive substance, and you should probably leave the immediate vicinity as quickly as possible. Not only do these collaborators attack me; they also have the nerve, the gall, and the utter disrespect to attack anime!

They blame anime for the existence of the supposed "alien" using my body as a host! They say "anime typically isn't harmful...only if you do one thing: lust after the heroines with the huge heads and tiny bodies." First of all, grammatically that states that anime is harmful if you don't "lust after the heroines." It seems probable they meant to say that it's harmful if you do lust after them. Secondly, "huge heads and tiny bodies?" What kind of stereotypical anime comment is that? What are they watching, SD Gundam? There aren't a whole lot of Super Deformed anime shows or movies out there for me to "lust" after. Besides, most female anime character designs have a conventional body size; that is of course excluding breast sizes from "conventional." This uncalled for assault on anime demonstrates how desperate the plotting tree factions are to discredit me. Trying to hurt the anime industry can only be the work of something sinister to an outrageous degree, like plant life plotting to overthrow people.

They also claim that anime is some form of communication from the alien parasite's home world and that anime is a trap that I have fallen into. For some reason, anime is the cause of the parasite. Completely forgetting the fact that such a plot to take over the planet would be exceedingly slow and inefficient, it's a bit odd that anime is seemingly chosen at random as a specific form of media to somehow transmit parasites into the body of the viewer. Does this mean anime originated as a form of inserting alien parasites into people? Was it at some point taken over by alien parasites, and if so when? Was there some big turning point? If anime was taken over and then used by aliens how did the alien parasites first infect creators of anime to create the anime to distribute their race among the populace? Isn't targeting a mostly cultural thing somewhat shortsighted, or are they just after Japan?

They also say that the parasite I have is a General because I lusted a lot, however this statement has already been discussed and now it looks paradoxical and confusing. Now let's just entertain the thought and say that there is some sort of conspiracy that uses anime to send out aliens, now, with the amount of anime I watch, would I really be infected with something as low as a common General? A Field Marshal or Supreme Commander maybe, but not a low-class General, such a statement is an insult. They state that the solution to getting rid of the aliens is to stop watching anime. I thought anime was a means of communication, if they no longer receive communication do the parasites get lonely and die? After all that bad, inefficient planning and execution, would we stake the entire operation on the hopes that people will continue to watch anime frequently? I think not. -10/26/03
