Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

New Year Poem

H - Hamsters are known for their great parties and outrageously funny wit, and would be much funnier than this is going to be
A - Alcohol is often consumed in celebration of the New Year so it can begin with a hangover, and that is cause for celebration
P - Pawtucket is a funny word
P - Pointless, the New Year is like new clothing, same thing, just a bit different, except the year will last for a whole year, while clothing often does not
Y - Yodeling is not a normal practice in the celebration of the New Year... just thought that should be stated

N - Neutering pets is part of the New Year's celebration in Indonesia, or so I'm told
E - Eggplants are the official plant of 2005, or are they the official protein?
W - Wit is something that I ran out of at about the first "P" or so

Y - Y.... crap, I already used the yodeling thing
E - Entertainment is usually enjoyed for New Year's, and for some reason you seem to have settled on this, poor choice
A - Anticipation, of the loads of crap you will have to endure in the next year
R - Rage, when you finally snap at the New Year celebration when someone comments on your funny looking nose - 12/31/04
