Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

New York Minute

More and more recently I’ve been hearing people use the phrase “New York minute.” What exactly is considered a New York minute? The assumption can be made that it’s not a normal minute because if it was, it’d just be silly to call it something different. Many questions are instantly created with this tampering of time. Is it drastically different from a regular minute? Is it regulated or can people just decide how much time it is for themselves? Do they make special watches that keep track of time according to the New York minute? Does someone own the minute themselves? Is it for sale?

Does this new minute belong to the city or the state or both? Does the city/state use the special minute as its official standard? If you enter the city/state are you given specifics about the time changes so you don‘t get confused? Did New York get special permission to do this or did they just decide to do it themselves one day when they suddenly felt like it? Are those who still adhere to the old time discriminated against? Are they called “time traitors” or some other catchy name? Is this part of some sort of insidious plot to disrupt the tranquility of quaint New Jersey?

Now, obviously, if the minute is different, than it upsets all other time increments as well. This means that there must also be a New York hour, a New York day, a New York year, a New York eon, and so on. How can New York simply declare independence from the standards of time? Time is not something they can just decide to change on some sort of whim, although the question must then be raised; if there was a tear in the fabric of space-time and a tear in the fabric of New York space-time, would the same thing happen in both instances?

Does this blatant disregard to the standards of time mean that other places can do the same thing? I have an idea, a tourist campaign! Now, let’s take my home state of Kansas, make the Kansas minute 58 seconds and have a new slogan to attract business. Something like “We’re so progressive we don’t have time for an extra two seconds” or “two seconds is too much” or “Kansas: our hours are shorter so you get paid more” or “Kansas: no longer only known for the world’s largest ball of twine” or “Kansas: we have our own minute so we must be big time” or “Kansas: land of the Kansas minute.”

Then there would of course be the outbreak of hundreds of thousands of other types of minutes which would result in endless conflict due to the fact that everyone is on a different time frame. Those who are late will still be late, those who like to be on time will probably die in frustration, while cursing New York and its foul ways. Those who do not die of frustration will then join together in unison and form a group that will want to purge all the undesirable minutes and claim their minute to be the superior increment. Thus, the Telling Time Wars will begin where only time will tell the victor and the victor will tell the time. - 7/25/04
