Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.


I frighten people. Whether it's the way I carry myself or the fact that people think I scurry about the night feeding on the blood of the innocent is undetermined. For the record, that is untrue, I feed upon the blood of the guilty as well, I'm not choosy when it comes to blood (aside from the fact that it's human). Where did this perception come from anyway? Is there some reason why the blood of the innocent would be different from the blood of the guilty? In what way would innocent or guiltiness affect blood content? Of course, it could be that I have only fed on the blood of the guilty and never actually fed on anyone innocent. However, the odds would be against it, its simple numbers (it'd have to be astronomical). Plus, the blood I have fed on is really quite good, innocent blood might not taste right if this were the case. Well that is enough about my nighttime escapades (please don't mention them to anyone, especially authorities). For some reason people such as myself seem to get a bad rap from the general public. I'm not really sure why. I mean, just because I watch anime.

I'd also like to clear up several other issues. For one, my nighttime escapades don't necessarily make me a vampire (garlic is tasty). Another thing is the fact that people often refer to it as drinking. Granted, its mostly blood, there is a fair amount of flesh consumption involved (at least in my "findings"). I should know, I have "researched" this area very, very thoroughly. It's all quite scientific. I seem to have gotten off topic once again. Omit the previous statements. Anyway, perception is one of the leading reasons that people dislike other things. For instance, many are probably now upset about my previous statements (which I trust you have forgotten) about my "escapades" and such (and if you're not upset, then what the hell is wrong with you, that's completely disgusting). However, I could have gone a whole other way with doing other things that best be left unsaid (I even considered adding handy tips). Many if not most things suffer from other people's perceptions, anime among them. People often judge it before they know anything about it or have seen anything anime (which makes me want to "educate" them about escapading at night). Of course there are probably more people that would support anime (as I would prefer, we don't want to extinct ourselves) than scurrying about at night doing, well (need I repeat myself, actually I should have to since you forgot the previous statements).

Enough, it has gotten entirely out of hand. Forget everything you have read up to this point. Well, not everything, that's unreasonable, just for what you've read on this page. Anyway, let's just start over. I frighten people. Whether it's the way I carry myself or the fact that people think I scurry about the night feeding… wait, damn it! I did it again. Okay, okay, begin again. Isn't feeding on people in dark alleys at night great? Oops. Hold on, I'll get it right one of these times. Begin. You know how when you attack people and feed on them, other people usually judge you harshly (not necessarily in court); this has to do with perception. That doesn't work either, but might be the best one yet. I'll try again (are you still forgetting previous things on this page every time I begin again, you better). The other night as I was feeding off an innocent victim, and I began to wonder what time it was, oh, and something about peoples' perceptions. Ugh, again. Perception. That's good, simple and not focused on killing people, I like it… wait, are you reading this? Fine, begin again. Perception... um… I know I had a point I was trying to make. It seems there has been a communications breakdown between my brain and… rational thought? Comprehensive factoring? Sanity? Ah, that's probably the one. Ugh, getting… hungry. Well, off I go then, to… do… things that are in no way related to anything previously stated. The point? I guess I'll make one some other time… fine. Perceptionisthekeytolifitisimprtatilikechickenadblodthyartastigotagosomwhrdontaskhowhadtimtodatitoradperod. -10/14/02
