Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Plain Hamburgers

Recently, I walked into a fast food restaurant. That restaurant happened to be Hardee's, well it was Hardee's, it's not like it all of a sudden became a Hardee's, it didn't just happen or anything. Anyways, all I wanted was a hamburger. Just something plain and simple, something that shouldn't have any sort of problem accompanying it, right? However, they no longer serve just a hamburger. I was confused. How could a hamburger place not serve hamburgers? So I was forced to order a cheeseburger without cheese and still pay for the cheese. What sort of crime is this? To pay for cheese that I never wanted in the first place? How dare they force upon me their oppressive cheese when I wish it not? Is it so hard to add another menu selection for hamburger?

I think not. But they can't do that, that'd be helpful to the customer. In recent ads they portray a worker who said they used to have a bunch of stuff on the menu and that made her upset. It's your job to take the orders of the customers. Quit if you hate taking orders from someone. I highly doubt they have the Hardee's star behind the counter with a gun to your back, laughing maniacally. More likely it'd be a manager, or someone like that. Whatever happened to the Hardee's star anyways? That was a good mascot; the star and his wacky shenanigans were selling hamburgers through hilarity. Yes, Hardee's had hamburgers, it must be a shock I know. After all, why would a hamburger place have a normal hamburger, that's just crazy talk.

In the same commercial she said they used to have so many different things, including hotdogs. I don't ever recall there being Hardee's hotdogs at any point in time. Now it's a lot easier for the workers, because they eliminated most of the stuff that they used to serve. Including hamburgers. Now they have thickburgers. Whoopee. I'm so glad I have to pay a lot more for a big burger when I could pay a lot less for a simple hamburger, because I did want the hamburger in the first place after all. We can't expect the customer to count for anything though; it's all about making it easy for the employees. A happy worker is a productive worker after all; customers only provide the funds for paying the happy workers, but who cares about that?

They even aired a commercial showing how they alienate their long-time customers. Sure, it's a few old people, but they've been going to Hardee's as faithful customers for years. No longer. All the complicated and enormous variety of things they used to serve and that they ate are now gone. The purpose of variety is so you can appeal to more people, but we don't care about the people. After some investigation I have discovered the whereabouts of the hamburgers that they have gotten rid of. They're giving them away to charity. Yes, orphans and hungry people will be getting my hamburger patties. I wonder if they are forcing all of them to have cheese along with the hamburger patties?

Oh, woe, woe, my hamburgers of the plain sort are gone. They are long since dead, along with the star of Hardee's (I hear he was forced into early "retirement" by the head of the Hardee's organization). I remember all the times when I used to go to Hardee's and get normal hamburgers. Those times were grand, but alas, those times are also expired, along with the life of the star. If I want any normal hamburger, I shall have to resort to paying for extra and unwanted cheese, or I could just go to one of the other many hamburger places located close to it. -9/7/03
