Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

“Potter Fever”

There is a plague upon our country, nay, perhaps the whole world. I speak not of anthrax, but of a far greater epidemic. Of course, I am referring to the mysterious illness known only as “Potter Fever.” This “Potter Fever” mostly seems to attack children and sometimes adults. It seems to affect the mind of those that catch it in various ways. Some of it’s symptoms include feeling the need to wear thick black glasses and saying everything by adding an “ous” on the end while waving around a stick. It gets worse the full blown cases start tattooing themselves with lightning bolts in some strange ritual and lose all touch with reality. This epidemic seems to have already infected millions of innocents around the world in an amazingly short amount of time. Scientists say this is a man-made pathogen that is very adaptive. It is not believed to be lethal, but experts still admit they have only studied the pathogen for a short amount of time and they may be wrong. As there have been no reported cases of death from this it can be assumed the experts are correct. “Potter Fever” seems to be contagious and airborne, for it often spreads when conversing with one of the ill. Other times it just seems to infect people for no particular reason. “There is a grave concern about containing it,” says one expert, “it has spread like wildfire and looks of having no intention of stopping.” The government has issued an order for the Department of Health and Human Services to do everything they can stop or at least slow down the spreading. The government has also said not to panic, that, “it would only make things worse.” But, how can we protect ourselves from such an illness? Frankly, there is no definite answer for scientists are still unsure of the cause. There is no stopping it. So, if you see a little kid, or perhaps an adult, wearing thick round black glasses, holding a magic wand, and muttering some strange gibberish. Run. For God’s Sake RUN!
