Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Propelling Forward

Gatorade, the drink of every sport it seems, released Propel their Gatorade version of water. You may be thinking what can they put in water to make it so special? Well, frankly, you don’t want to know. One thing that must be considered is the thinking of the absent minded advertisement consultant (it seems I like to attack advertisements). In the commercial it shows sports stars (most not famous) dropping to the ground in droplets of water and coming out when they hit the ground. It then pans up to show a giant bottle filled with floating sport stars. I am completely serious. Just why did they put these people in the water in their own commercial? Do the people represent that they take towels doused with a star’s sweat and ring it into their drink? If that were true then the commercial would make more sense, as it would signify that there is an essence of these stars in their product. Do they just represent strange particles that shouldn’t be in water? To cover for this biological infringement they made a commercial to say: “Look! That isn’t dirt or grime. It’s a miniature sports star!” Perhaps. What process would be involved in producing these miniature stars? When the mini stars hit the ground and speed off doing various moves and such does this mean that they will attempt something like this in my body? Are they going to attack and cause physical harm or just cause nausea by bouncing around? Will they play games? If so, will they rearrange parts of my digestive track into the various types of fields for their separate sports? Do I have to pay to watch? What will they drink? Themselves? What right does Gatorade have to put these things in my water? Some may say that they attempt to represent that the drink has the power of these people in it. Or possibly that it will give you some power, of course, if this is true they went about it completely the wrong way. No one wants to see things floating around in their drink, especially in abundance. The very fact that they advertise these facts proves that some of their advertising department employees were hit in the head one (or more) too many times. Most enhanced water drinks show that they are crisp, cool, and refreshing. This formula has proved effective, as people buying water bottles in and of itself has to be a paradox. Gatorade, with Propel, has decided to throw this try and tested formula out the window in an attempt to show something different. They fail. They fail in an extremely bad way. Their enhanced water will be dismissed as dirty, dirty water. Others will give Gatorade kudos for breaking the mold of standard commercials, after being queasy for several moments after the commercial ends. –4/14/02
