Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.


Not too long ago someone came up to me and told me that I was an 'ego-sadistic-psycho.' I was quite offended to say the least. I don't think I have an ego of any sort whatsoever. I don't go around saying that I'm the best psycho ever or claiming to be the greatest at anything psycho-related (well, not too often). My ego is smaller than the pieces I cut my victims into (that says a lot). Also, as someone else pointed out I'm not THAT sadistic. I'm sure there's a fair amount of pain, but I don't try to cause more pain than necessary, I'm not cruel... well. Okay, a bit. As a wise psycho once said, 'there are no strangers, just victims I haven't met.' Actually I made that up myself. Then of course, I would have just stated that I was wise (did you have any doubts?). Would this mean that I actually have an ego? Maybe I am the best psycho to ever live. Would the title of 'best psycho' come with perks? Could I be relieved of my duties if I do not fulfill them properly or it is determined I am not psychotic enough (the latter is most unlikely)? Would I even have duties? I think you would probably get a spot on the FBI's most wanted list automatically and would likely be arrested. Actually, how would you define best in the area of being psychotic?

Would 'best' be considered the one who was most out of their mind? I'm not entirely sure, but I think I don't win out in that category (after all there are some scary people out there, sort of like me but scarier). Conversely, 'best' could be seen as someone who isn't psychotic at all, because 'best' is generally seen as a positive thing and people seem to relate bad things with being psychotic (it's true, most people don't even try to become acquainted with the psychotic and those who do usually aren't heard from again). In the realm of lunacy, would it be the one most psychotic in the way that they are incapacitated? Are those with actual physical illness able to be qualified? Would it be in the fashion of most kills? Do animals count? What about plants? If they did include these things, it would probably throw the whole thing off. The person chosen, as being the 'best psycho' might not actually be psychotic, just someone who hates bugs or possibly even a lumberjack. I believe that would be unfair to the true psychos out there. Although, most probably wouldn't really notice, which could do them credit to their degree of lunacy. In that area, would the 'best' be the one who was most out of touch with things happening around them? I don't think it would go to someone who does… things with animals, because that's sick and not really psychotic. A line has to be drawn between the two (Remember, cannibalism: good; things with animals: bad; well, maybe not 'good'). Unless of course they are worthy of the title in other areas, that shouldn't factor into it either way though. Would the 'best' be the one who is most similar to Hannibal Lecter (come to think of it I've never had liver with any type of beans)? Could the character of Hannibal Lecter win?

To accurately determine who should win the title, we must look at the word: psychotic (welcome to English class). Let's look in the dictionary, kids (put on your thinking caps!). Psychotic: having a psychosis (is that a picture of me by it?). Obviously, that doesn't help at all. So, boys and girls, we must journey to the end of the previous page to find: psychosis. Psychosis: a major mental disorder in which the personality is very seriously disorganized (yes) and contact with reality is usually impaired (most definitely): there are two sorts, functional (that's me) and organic (not me). So, now we have it. I don't really think that helps at all, but oh well. Next to the word psychosis is the word: psychosomatic. Despite sounding similar to something like a Veg-o-matic, it is no sort of weapon for psychopaths to use or a tool to slice psychopaths into tiny pieces to be spread on dishes. It isn't a way to make people psychotic either. It has something to do with a disorder caused by psychological things (too bad, weapons are fun). Now, back to the question at hand. Now that we have discerned there are two different types, must the 'best' have both, because that would automatically disqualify most individuals (including me, and I'm psychotic enough to at least be in the running)? Maybe other words should be looked up to help on this matter.

Lunacy, it used to be thought that there is a change in its intensity with phases of the moon (great, now people will think I'm a vampire AND a werewolf; hey, I'm my own Halloween costume). Insanity is a very long definition that I don't feel like typing (it really says that, maybe not). It says it isn't a 'scientific term' though. For insane it says 'not sane' and gives other synonyms (this dictionary doesn't seem to be helpful). After looking at sane, it can be determined that insane is the inability to make sound, rational judgments (don't worry I won't look up sound or rational… of course, I'll look up both). I don't think that's right though, because I make a rational or rational judgment every now and then (really I do, I sometimes make judgments on rations and sounds). Still, maybe the 'best' psycho is the one that is able to blend in best as normal and go unseen. That fits me (except for the massive number of people that think me psychotic, but they won't tell the judges). So, maybe I AM the best psycho, and therefore it doesn't matter whether or not I have an ego (which I don't). Even though I am indeed the best psycho ever in the history of this or any other world (see, no ego). Now little kiddies, let's play a game. You have to remember your address and tell them to Uncle Psychopath, in addition to the time when everyone at your house is asleep. Afterwards, we can play with a psychosomatic! -10/29/02
