Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Rally Time

Can you smell that scent in the air? It's the smell of idiocy. It's so potent you could bottle it. Although I'm not exactly sure why someone would want to bottle idiocy, I don't know of anyone who would buy it or for what purpose. Perhaps bottled idiocy could be used productively in the medical field. I'm not suggesting that people who smell are idiots, far from it. I am trying to explain that the amount of people who are in fact idiots have grown in population so much that they seem to be everywhere and in great numbers, although some of them may actually smell. So comes to Topeka, Kansas a great Idiot Mecca. I don't suggest that everyone in Topeka is stupid or all people that go to Topeka are stupid, after all I'm in Topeka (yes, we do have electricity and have had it for some time), so that would be utterly impossible. Even if everyone else were stupid in Topeka my genius would offset the average dramatically. Enough about my superb and immense intellect, the dim-witted are migrating here in a stupid (what did you expect, great) exodus for a gathering later in August. These idiots are Nazis. Yes, one of the higher-ups in the (I'm sure flourishing) neo-Nazi community decided Topeka would be a great site to host a rally. They said because it was in the center of the nation and mentioned a crime committed against some farmers.

Well, just who are the Nazis? Well kiddies you're in luck, if you don't know, the Nazis were a little known group that took power in a small far away land known as Germany to most of the world and Deutschland to them (sort of like everyone else calling someone by a nickname they don't like). Since they didn't like our name-calling and found it quite offensive, a few of them became angry with everyone and gained control of the country, despite not having a majority in favor. Under the leadership of a mis-shaven lunatic known as Adolf Hitler they did many naughty things like kill millions of people. There was a war and they lost. Anyway despite this failed attempt some people thought the concept of being an idiot was still a good idea. It is said 'birds of the same feather flock together,' and in this case so did the idiots. There is now a neo-Nazi group that still likes the stupid ideas (stupid people like stupid things I suppose). Anyway that's what the neo-Nazis are. In short, they are stupid white supremacists who dislike anyone not white and Catholic. In all reality, that's a lot of people they're angry at. I don't think even I dislike that many people, although it might be close. I'm sure they dislike some whites and Catholics as well, for instance most in that category have at least a small amount of intelligence, which would no doubt displease the neo-Nazis.

I'm not like that; I just dislike other people in general. My dislike for others has no racial boundaries and spreads over a vast expanse roaming freely. I merely dislike people because of their character. Some things should be set straight, despite my earlier (and true) statements about my intellect (it would truly leave you in awe), I am in no sort an egomaniac (despite false claims). Megalomaniac is an entirely different matter though. Anyway many restrictions have been placed on this rally. This rally seems to have some Topekans worried that the neo-Nazis might do something violent. Since when are Nazis viole… oh yeah, never mind. In any case they have been prohibited to bring the following items to the rally: firearms (no surprise there); knives (what about forks, spoons or the ever-dangerous sporks); edged, pointed or impact weapons (couldn't anything thrown be considered an impact weapon); chemical irritants (is that allowable at other times); packages, backpacks or coolers (can't let them have refreshments); cans or bottles that are glass or plastic (they could melt the plastic bottles and release toxic gases into the atmosphere); and signs or flags mounted on poles (would a stick classify as a pole). See there's nothing to be worried about (except the fact nuclear weapons, explosives, and fire starting materials weren't mentioned). -8/22/02
