Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Random Facts 2

Some random tidbits of information.

36. "I suffocated my inner self and have left only a hollow shell, filled with chocolate-y goodness"

37. I am Leliel, phere my spherical form... get it?

38. Catherine the Great wasn't all that great.

39. Peter the Great had medical students take a bite out of a corpse after they were grossed out by it, but when I ask people to do it, nobody listens.

40. Large hats can be fun but they can be dangerous if not used properly

41. Sea monkey's mortal enemies are none other than sea cucumbers, no one knows why

42. Of all the kings of England, George the Second was the most like cheese

43. While drunk you shouldn't operate heavy machinery, unless no ones around

44. Toasters are sad, because they are continuously violated

45. The largest number in existence is actually 35, anyone who says different is just lying

46. My pet rock died then I tried flushing him down the toilet and my pet toilet died

47. I once left my wallet somewhere then I ate some chicken

48. Originally the Constitution guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of foxy ladies; but they thought it didn't sound "governmental" enough

49. William Shakespeare made up words for his plays, but when I make up words they call me krautaskitch, no, wait, that's what they called me crazy for saying

50. The boy who cried wolf once made the entire country of France surrender, twice

51. Ice cream is part of an insidious plot to stop global warming

52. If there was a superhero, I think he'd be named Jim

53. If there is few of something it will be valuable, unless it's disco music

54. Despite popular belief, I am not Batman

55. There once was a large piece of pizza that I owned, but it ran away

56. The arctic winter is tough for the creatures that inhabit the area, especially if they don't have something to read

57. Short order cooks are actually taller than other cooks, because the long order chefs have to get little ladders to reach all the ingredients

58. Poor people is to money as me is to having a life

59. I am 75% cooler than your average nerd, the other 25% are just lying

60. If I were King, the population problem would be solved, although there would still be crowding due to cemeteries -7/27/03
