Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

A Raving Rant

What am I? A large gopher-like creature with wings aplenty and beady eyes, that are bead-like and full of beadness. Not crummy beads, mind you, the fancy kind. No, these eyes do not resemble the cheap beads of Mardi Grais or however the hell you spell it. Stupid other languages. Back to the topic, about my beady eyes. You see, they aren't no cheap beads. These are top of the line. What exactly would make something a bead anyways? Is it merely something with a hole in it that can be made into a necklace or bracelet? Can beads be the size of houses or do they then become some other sort of thing. We need to investigate this bead-size mystery. There could be dozens, nay, tens of dozens of large things with holes in them wrongly classified as beads. The horror! Un-bead-like things roaming about claiming to be beads! Who knows what their diabolical plans could be. We must protect the ourselves from this new threat of galactic proportions.

Galactic you ask? Yes, galactic I reply. The galaxy is like a festival, full of magic. And what do you find at festivals? Beads! That's right, they're everywhere. Who knows what manner of festivals they have infected across the universe. Yes, festivals are no exclusive resident of our Milky Way. There exists festivals in every galaxy such as (due to not knowing the names of any galaxies and being to lazy to look them up, galaxy names will be replaced with names of candy bars) Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat, and even Almond Joy. Yes, they are everywhere. What can we do against such a massive bead force? What do they want?! What does this have to do with my beady little eyes? I don't remember. I'm sort of going off onto a tangent that may or may not simultaneously solve all life's riddles and answer the question about my beady eyes, which technically could be classified as one of life's riddles so it would have been better to just say "life's riddles," restating a life riddle makes the whole thing kind of redundant.

Moving on. Yes, beads have to do with all of life's mysteries. Like why quantum physics defies all laws of general physics, why light has properties of both waves and particles, and why I can't get a date. These questions can all be answered in beads and I'm not talking about just spelling them out on the ground with the beads or anything like that, I mean, like tell you, not literally of course. Beads may pose a threat to the existence of all that is good and decent in the universe but that doesn't mean they can talk. What kind of nonsense would that be? Where was I? Something about beads probably. Yes, these menacing little creatures that conspire in the shadows.

I wonder how the bead hierarchy is made up in various beaddoms. Do beads have bead leaders and therefore have beaddoms? What would make a bead a king? How could they reproduce? How would they have heirs? Would all beads technically be classified as female then? If so, what perpetuates them? How do they construct housing? They probably just invade and take over the previous residential areas and enslave the others to produce more housing for their beadness. Or maybe the bead king ignores the cries of the peasant beads for clothing and shelter and hordes what little shelter there is in his beaddom for himself.

Of course that would be assuming that not all beads are evil and we should have sympathy and assuming they have agriculture. Okay, scratch the whole beaddom thing, for now at least. Just forget about that, remember, posing a threat yes, but a beaddom is just the crazed ramblings of a brilliant person who was wrong about beaddoms. Anyways, the real issue was the possibility of a leader bead, perhaps that's the class of beads my eyes are made of, because those would have to be some really nice beads to be the head all of the other beads. But that doesn't mean my eyes are evil and want to take over the world or destroy it or anything like that. That's left up to my mind, which IS capable of complex thought, the beads told me people had some doubts about that. But I really can, how else could I expose their plot like this? Exactly. -12/28/03
