Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Republican Rap

I’m down with the GOP
Voting for the Republican Par-T
I’m tired of Democrats
Making more bureaucrats
I like my Gat where it’s at
Not taken away by some sissy Democrizzat
I want immediate action
Not restatements and retractions
I want to shoot first when the time has come
Not to stand around thinking “What is To Be Done?”
Like Lenin’s title there implies
Healthcare? Kerry wants to nationalize
Creating some sort of socialist system
Maybe the Democrats really miss them
I’m looking for some sanity
Not contradictory fantasy
Double the Special Forces it can be heard
Since we’re all volunteer he’ll have to lower the standard
Put them in a yellow bus and tellin’ people not to fuss
He’ll have them carted around and he’ll carry a smirk
Thinking he’s done the country some wonderful work
Not realizing he’s merely a jerk, now look
I’d rather have security than globally accepted policy
Kerry says his plans will help the economy, he must’ve had a lobotomy
Kerry is whack, G. W. is where it’s at
People once said cotton is king
But that obviously didn’t swing
Just like the Democrats now
We’ll look back with a wondering ‘wow’

Last two lines with victory:
And breathe a sigh of relief
That Kerry was never Commander-in-Chizzief

Last two lines with a loss:
And after he got elected we’ll wonder what happened
And how he somehow created Armageddon – 11/1/04
