Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Restaurant Trip

Applebee's. The very name strikes fear into the hearts of men, women, children, and squirrels. What exactly is an "Applebee?" Is it a bee that eats and/or dwells in apples? Or is it a diabolical creature bent on the destruction of fine dining and nice restaurants? Can there be any doubt considering the daily intake of apples will keep people healthy and this bee is taking away our vital apple supply? Their very name makes the intentions they hold clear to the most casual observer who believes in large conglomerate corporations bent on some mayhem or other diabolical plots. That, or it's all because of an unpleasant visit to the restaurant in question.

Their efforts to indoctrinate their employees are evident. By looking at a single former employee and no others this has become overwhelmingly clear. They all report to the queen bee of this evil group (Applebee's and queen bee, plain and simple genius). They preach of its greatness to the huddled masses that are looking for a good restaurant to eat at, whether or not they still work there. Their ceaseless propaganda for the Applebee machine fills the spirits of those poor, ignorant restaurant seekers with great hope and promise for a good meal. These people dream of finding such a place that the brainwashed bee servers preach about.

Let me recount part of a story from a fateful day when someone, who shall remain nameless and completely unbiased about everything they are typing and recounting about a time when they ate at Applebee's (dramatic chord). An indoctrinated brainwashed servant of the great central hive, a former employee, promised me that the meal would be good and quiet with excellent service and I was also promised ribs and a malt that was supposedly "really good." True, these are mostly objective points, but to most people of free will that are not brainwashed, it would be obvious that all of these promises were not kept. This outrageous outrage committed by the hive is the causation of many a raging of the outwards sort. Such deceit is really not very nice, I don't care how indoctrinated you are. Just because you've been brainwashed by a giant conglomerate is no reason to be rude and lie like that.

We did not receive silverware for quite some time and the service in general was somewhat lacking in the serving area. The lack of ribs on their part was disorienting, but the fact that they were out of malts was devastating. Everything up to that point that was promised upon embarking to the restaurant had not been delivered. Even with all of those atrocities combined, a quiet meal would have made it decent. One thing is certain though; it was not a quiet and peaceful meal. There were children screaming, people laughing, and ketchup bottles snickering in the way that you can tell they are snickering and talking about you but cannot quite make out what they are talking about.

Speaking of ketchup bottles, the brainwashed compatriot that was attending the dining facility with me and someone else (of the non-brainwashed sort) was actually surprised the ketchup bottle had ketchup in it. Isn't that supposed to be the purpose of a ketchup bottle? To keep ketchup in it for consumption at the whim of the booth's or table's occupant. Immediately, it was clear that something was awry and very wrong with this place. After all, what kind of a restaurant would mock it's customers with empty ketchup bottles? Ketchup is the very heart of the restaurant table set up. Standing tall, next to a little menu that goes along with the big menus. What kind of world would lack ketchup filled ketchup bottles? That is a world I do not wish to live in or imagine. -9/14/03
