Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

The Silent Salty Killer

The President chokes on a pretzel sounds like the beginning of a joke. In fact it is no laughing matter. While it seems strange they did not lie, (of course if it were then discovered to be a lie there would be the infamous, and humorous, Pretzel Scandal) the pretzel is the nation’s silent salty killer. I have lost more than one friend in pretzel-related accidents, also knowing many others severely injured. The pretzel results in many deaths every year. The media seems to ignore this growing crisis facing the nation to focus on other “more important” issues. C.A.P., the Council Against Pretzels, has long been ignored and ridiculed by other more prominent councils, although there is now more hope for their cause. After speaking with members of C.A.P. I have learned they hope the near tragic encounter George Bush had will lend some more support to their worthy cause. They even hope he may join the fight with them. After all, if they don’t win the fight against pretzels then everyone is threatened by these salty menaces.-1/15/02
Update to The Silent Salty Killer
Beware to all who previously read "The Silent Salty Killer." Just days after posting it I soon discovered pretzels in hiding. At first I thought nothing of it until I discovered some had managed to find their way into a snack dish. This immediately had me worried and the perpetratiors were disposed of with extreme prejudice. After a careful search I discovered more pretzels hiding in numerous places waiting to strike. It is my belief they are part of the special forces, for none of them talked under torturous conditions. Since they refused to divulge any information they were disposed of quickly. I have not yet found any others, but I am sure they are lurking somewhere, waiting to strike. This is a serious warning, if you find pretzels and they look suspicious (of course most do) destroy them immediately, before they get you.-1/19/02
