Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Scientific Society

Scientists all over the world are beginning to scare me. Why? From cloning dead cows, electrode implants, telling us we are similar to mice, and implanting computer chips in a Florida family; there is reason to be worried. American scientists frighten me the most. You know anything for a buck. While others praise saying think of all the wonderful things they will make, I can't hear them however for I am cowering under a table awaiting the inevitable.

What’s that? You think me crazy? Probably. I am not, oh, you want proof? I took an insanity test on the internet deeming me sane. Ha! If the internet is wrong, whom can we trust? Since the cloning of dead cows was already addressed we will be starting with the electrode implants in rats. Implanting these electrodes has enabled scientists to control the rats by remote. They plan to be used to find people trapped in dangerous places. They wear neat little backpacks, and have a weird little thing sticking out of their head. They will no doubt make the trapped victim feel secure with a lab rat, whose brain was messed with by scientists, keeping them company. The National Organization for Mad Scientists (NOMS) has said they are hopeful to create an army of slaves and workers sometime before 2007 with this technological breakthrough. Considering NOMS ineffectiveness in the past I have my doubts that they can accomplish this goal, but I have my fingers crossed.

Ever think about other people, what a rat (or mouse for the sake of this)? Sure you do! I know I do to almost everyone I meet. Well, rest assured these are not necessarily baseless accusations anymore. Scientists in a large breakthrough and large waste of money have decoded the mouse genome, which is startlingly similar to humans. Does it make anyone feel just bit worried that they don't know why? They are going to begin testing randomly knocking out parts of mice DNA and replacing it with human DNA, no doubt creating numerous freaks of nature and bringing down wrath upon us all for playing God. What a delightful picture. NOMS have had no official reply on this issue, although inside sources tell me that an army of mice men is under consideration.

Lastly comes the implantation of computer chips in a Florida family containing their identification and their phone numbers. At this point useless, but the process takes under a minute, meaning quick knockouts and placing of tracking chips inside the general public by mad, demented people becomes much easier. Oh, you don't know anyone like that? Really? The chips were implanted despite the fact that FDA did not approve, however NOMS did. The FDA do not consider it a medical device, neither does NOMS. NOMS wishes to use it for various things such as black mail, tracking, and just to be kept informed. After all, who would you rather keep informed the FDA with all of its judging and sinister approvals, or friendly NOMS?

The future of NOMS and the continued progression of scientists doing odd and pointless things is sadly uncertain. The NOMS organization is, unfortunately, plagued by inner turmoil. Apparently, almost all of its members wish to take over the world for their own purpose. Isn't it surprising that such brilliant and insane minds could argue over such petty issues as taking over the world? Although the rest simply wish to destroy it. This is a sad day in the world of mad scientists. Although NOMS has had its problems it is far ahead of other mad scientist organizations spread throughout the world. They rarely get off the ground. NOMS will have continued success and if they can just not destroy each other with lasers and other new devices there is hope yet for this little organization to achieve its goal of world domination or destruction, whichever they are in the mood for. -5/10/02
