Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Sexing Up the History Channel

The History Channel already airs programs about sex throughout history, and since sex sells, I’ve decided to help them further down this road with some ad advice:

Tune in next week for some hot state-on-state action, inter-state action, intra-state action, and a multi-state extravaganza in conflicts that will blow your mind!

Napoleon. Alexander the Great. Adolf Hitler. Charlemagne. Catherine the Great. What do these historic leaders have in common? They had sex… with people, well… mostly. We take you into this unwritten part of history, and since it’s unwritten we’ll just be making it up, and reenact these events with look-alikes so we can be fined by the FCC and get discussed in the media every five minutes for the next two months.

It has existed since ancient times and can be found at all times throughout history. Now, in the modern era, advanced technology has opened a whole new array of advancements. And what will the future hold? Tonight on Modern Marvels: Sex Toys

Command Decisions: the show that challenges you to make decisions in times of that can decide the war, end or save lives, create or destroy your nation. Its popularity has grown so much a spin-off will debut on next Sunday: Sex Decisions. You are the one having sex, what will you do to make sure you and your mate achieve maximum pleasure? Make the decision to end or save the relationship in bed, create or destroy pleasure. What will you decide?

The Puritans. Known for condemning people to hell and casting people out of society for doing anything considered slightly improper, yet they had children. How did they do it? This Thanksgiving, tune in to watch the “proper” way to reproduce as we take a look at stuck up people and the way they have sex.

Sex. We all know about it and its magical world of goodness. But who was the first to have sex in what position? Many positions, many questions, and can we find an answer? Find out tonight-on History’s Mysteries.

Is it really the oldest profession? How can we tell for sure? New investigations reveal primitive Stone Age houses for women of ill repute. We investigate the remains and hypothesize whom they had sex and what sort of income they used.

Every profession has struggles and triumphs. Every profession has leaders who pave the way for future generations in that profession. We take a look of the pioneers of prostitution and their “body” of work tonight on History Alive.

On an extra-special History Vs. Hollywood, a group of female historians have a pillow fight in lingerie against a group of female porn stars in lingerie. Watch the clash of history and Hollywood like you’ve never seen it before! Only on the History Channel. –11/13/04
