Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Sleeping Around

At first glance that title might not appear as hilariously funny as it actually is, that’s because you haven’t read any of this yet except for the part commenting on your lack of laughter at the title. And that part, as you can see, just sort of drags on and on, well past the point of information and not even providing any humor, just sort of delaying the actual beginning, creating a tiny hell for the reader as they drudge on and on through nonsense wondering if there even is a reason behind the title or if the author is just sort of making it up as he goes and needs this delaying action to think of some comic connection, no matter how weak.

You see, at first glance that first paragraph might not appear as hilariously funny as it actually is… in Australia, a woman apparently “seduced and had sex with strangers while she slept.” The middle-aged woman apparently was not aware of the fact that she was doing this. Yes, she was completely and totally unaware that at night she would get out of her bed and go out somewhere to find a person and indicate she wanted to have sex and then return back to her house where they would have sex. How can anyone doubt that a woman can function normally and go out and talk to people in conversations while asleep? I mean, I go bowling and get perfect scores when I sleep all the time; I also do my taxes, operate heavy machinery, and work on a book about theoretical mathematics.

Her partner was unaware of this sleep-sex as well and was apparently “confounded” by used condoms he found strewn about the house. Wow. This has to be the most trusting, dim-witted fellow in all of Australia, if not the whole hemisphere. When you find condoms all around the house and all you are is “confounded” about it, you need some classes on taking initiative or maybe try filling out a few pages from a connect-the-dots book without passing out from the strain of it. He found out about it, by waking up and then walking into the next room to see her having sex with another man.

I wonder if he was “confounded” upon walking in and seeing this sight, but it was probably obvious even to him that she was just asleep and had gone out while asleep to have sex with someone else. Apparently it is being called “sleep sex” for now, because they haven’t hired someone to create a cool sounding name for it yet and because it has yet to receive a formal title… I wonder why. Yes, the more reasonable explanation is obviously that she was asleep the whole time and wasn’t, you know, going out and having sex with people while AWAKE, that’s completely absurd!

A doctor who is an expert on sleep disorders said the partners and doctors often do not believe the actions were committed while the person was sleeping. Really? I wonder why, they’re obviously not very reasonable, I mean, if I were to see my partner having sex with someone else, I wouldn’t ‘jump to conclusions’ and just think that they were cheating on me. Obviously this person was reasonable, and probably “confounded” too, I’m guessing he probably gets “confounded” a lot. See? The title was funny, wasn’t it? – 11/13/04
