Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny. To understand some of the references please read Wild Speculations.

Speculations No Longer

Italy recently had the largest blackout in its history, other than, say, the Dark Ages, but that doesn't really count. This took place just a single day after it was proclaimed that Italy could not suffer a blackout like the one in North America. The people became angry as the nation is dependent on imported energy and is resisting building more power plants. Similar to the one that struck North America, the Italian blackout has resulted in some finger pointing with several groups putting the blame on another. However, it is clear whom the blame actually belongs to. The trees. Yes, you've heard this all before, but nobody listened. There was no action against the authority of trees. There was no wide stream coverage of the issue and no serious discussions about the possible meaning of such a thing. Now, you must realize the folly you have committed. The power company Atel has stated that an old fir tree falling onto a power line set off the problem. They strike again!

You laughed, amused with yourself, feeling secure in your false aura of superiority and grandiose nature. You looked down on the conclusions I had reached and me for coming up with such "shabby evidence" (no one said that, but I know you were thinking it). You closed the website and gave the matter not one more thought from your deluded and foolish mind. You did exactly what they wanted you to do. Trees, I had said, leading a revolution, I had said, wanting to kill you, I had said, and you scoffed at the very prospect of trees uniting together. You're too busy with your happy little tree-filled life with all your tree-friends and your tree-neighbors, you tree-tor (get it? Like traitor, am I good or what). Now, this isn't just my venting about your blatant and clear idiocy. The revolution has begun! Or it's at least close to it. Maybe it's more like testing the waters before the great fires of revolution begin to burn, and this time, it's the forests starting the fire (dramatic chord).

A consumer advocacy group is demanding that whoever is responsible for causing the blackout be identified so they can be given a bill. This is such a foolish notion. It is well known to most that within the Herbal Underground, as the media has dubbed them, there is no form of currency to speak of. Their economic prosperity matters little to their cause. In their fight they have also enlisted the help of many not grown out of the plant kingdom. These people are lured with promises of power and hopes that they will survive the coming onslaught. However trees are not to be trusted to keep such flimsy bargains. If anyone expects mercy from these tyrannical trees, they are… barking up the wrong tree. The power of the United Plant Syndicate (UPS) is great and they can send messages across the Syndicate quickly, after all, they're called UPS.

Half the population of Italy believes the blackout was caused by a terrorist attack; little do they realize how right they are. It was an outright attack by the tree forces against the flimsy government. In recent years, the Italian government has been weak, and all it needs is one charismatic leader, say an Ash tree or a Cedar of sorts, and supreme control of the country could be within their twiggy grasps. It is but the first step of many on the road the dastardly deciduous trees have rooted out in their plots. The Deciduous alliance with the Evergreens is now official, and they will use this coalition to focus attacks year round and in all conditions. Plants are everywhere; there is no way to win. Perhaps the loggers can help us you say, but no, it is far too late for their support to yield any significant results. The final pinecone has fallen, and the time of the trees is not at hand (branch). -10/5/03
