Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Spiders and Dragons

If you have been paying attention recently to television ads you'd know that a Spiderman movie is coming out this summer. I know that I'll probably end up seeing it even though I do not anticipate much from it given what I have seen from the previews. Now, FOX has purchased the rights to make a Dragon Ball Z live-action movie. Sure FOX has given us great specials and some great films in the past, but I highly doubt that it will look or be very good. Comic books and such have been made into movies for years, but none of them had any success until the recent X-Men. To take well-known characters out of their normal environment into Hollywood is usually devastating. Doubts? Just take a look at an old classic live-action Spiderman. Trust me, it's a laugh riot. The only problem is it's not supposed to be funny. When he "climbs" walls his feet don't even touch the wall. Then there is a scene where he is crawling around on the outside of his house. You'll be on the floor laughing. I doubt that the new Spiderman will be able to top that! Whenever things as these are made into movies people are often upset because of various changes. Example: The new Spiderman's web shooters are biological and not mechanical. In reality anime should not be made into feature live-action films. It will lead to mass disappointment, which may cause riots. Trust me there are almost no fans as dedicated as those of anime. Just imagine Vegeta's hair. I wonder how that will be handled, and don't forget Piccolo. The problems that must be overcome are exponential. Frankly, I pity whoever is given the task of making a live-action Dragon Ball Z, especially the hairdressers. FOX should stick to what it knows, Celebrity Boxing! -3/14/02
