Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Tool Shed Head

The children of a man who donated his body to science, specifically to Pathology Support Services Inc., are suing them due to the fact that their father’s head was kept in a tool shed for approximately eleven years. Now, I know we all would like to keep severed body parts in our tool sheds because, at one point in your life you’ll be faced with that time when you really just need a severed hand and it’d be convenient to just walk out to your tool shed and get one for whatever purpose it is you need it. Now, we all know we’d do It except it’s against the law, some of us do it anyways but just don’t tell anyone, that works just as well. However, to steal them is beyond the limit of forgiveness or understanding. These bodies were meant to help science. They weren’t for mad scientists intent on destroying the world. Mad scientists can just steal them, these were for the good scientists who are needed to stop the mad scientists and they just can’t steal them without becoming mad scientists themselves.

And also, eleven years? That’s quite a long time to just have an embalmed head lying around getting all dusty. Perhaps you could find some sort of use for it after all that time. I mean, sure, we all forget stuff, but an embalmed head isn’t something I’d soon forget. You could display it, make it look nice and decorative or something. And how more realistic could you get for a Halloween themed party with real body parts lying around? Not very much, unless of course they were fresh, but that’s a different story all together. You could use it to elevate that short table leg and get some use out of your dictionary (it’d fit, you just stick the broken part in the mouth). You could get it out at social events and play ventriloquist with it. Any of these would be better than letting it go to waste.

Let’s not forget the real victims here: decomposers. Yea, that’s right, those little guys that turn our bodies into mush get nothing. The least we could do if the body is donated to science and we deprive these decomposers from a food source is to get some use out of it. Under my rule, these guys would be plenty busy, I’ll tell you that much. The head was one part of many making up over 150 pounds of parts. They were taken by a former autopsy assistant named David Beale and apparently took them to help his dissection skills. This does not explain the head of course, perhaps he just needed a friend, and like all friends do forgot about his friend for eleven years in a tool shed. You’d think he’d use his tool shed at least once during those eleven and then see and recall everything about his friend. Of course I’m just speculating, he could have visited the head in the tool shed every night and had conversations with it. I know I would.

It’s kind of alarming learning that an autopsy assistant can get access to so man body parts. After all, you realize how long it takes to get them on the black market? How come people don’t tell other people about these things? Someone who doesn’t even have to go to medical school can get easy access to a mortuary? They should be advertising that job profusely, well I imagine with perks like that they have no problem finding people for the job. Pathology Support Services had also said recently that they had changed the way human remains are handled. I suppose so, though people have been stealing remains for centuries, I guess it hasn’t been so streamlined in a business-like manner before. Kudos to them. -12/28/03
