Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Trashy Art

Art changes from generation to generation, different art forms are developed, gradually evolving and growing in correspondence to the times. From the poorly made impressionist paintings to the uninteresting abstract, art has been viewed, praised, and been extremely boring to young school children for centuries, even if that art is nothing but trash. Now, when I call it trash, I’m not talking about the quality of the art, or how it was made, although personally, I may consider it to in fact be trash in that way as well, however, I’m talking about actual trash, garbage, waste, litter, refuse, artistic creativity poured into a receptacle, or whatever other synonym you feel like appropriate to use at this juncture.

A cleaner at London’s Tate Britain modern art gallery threw away part of someone’s artwork, this ingenious piece of artwork being a transparent bag filled with old newspapers, cardboard, and “other bits of paper,” now, I don’t think this cleaner can be blamed for thinking that a bag of trash is, well, a bag of trash and not some sort of special trash that mustn’t be touched. A spokesman said that the bag was later “rescued” as I’m sure it was in utter danger and the event will later appear on Real TV or some other show for the heroism of the at most the two people involved in the daring and breath-taking rescue.

However, tragically, the bag was damaged apparently beyond repair of whatever bag-repairing technology we have at our disposal. The spokesman for the museum would not reveal how much it cost to replace the transparent trash bag. It must have been a terrible and immense cost, artistically, monetarily and existentially. I mean, really, you can’t just buy one of those bags separately; you’d have to buy a whole package of them at once! And apparently, the esteemed creator of this magnificent stinky garbage bag had to pay to replace it! The horror.

Gustav Metzger, the artistic genius behind the bag of trash had entitled the work “Recreation Of First Public Demonstration Of Auto-Destructive Art.” Which probably means something all artistic-like and profound but I can’t pay attention long enough while reading through the title to piece together what it actually means. It probably took as long if not longer to come up with that speech of a title as it did to fill the bag full of trash. The spokesman for the Tate gallery said that the mistake was made the day before the exhibit opened near the end of June.

Wait a minute? June, and we’re hearing about this now? Was this part of some failed and feeble attempt to cover up the truth? Does this mean that for more than a month, that poor bag of trash was all alone among mere normal garbage? So does that also mean that nobody even noticed that the bag of trash was gone? People could look at the exhibit with the ridiculously long name and not notice the glaring empty space where a bag of trash would, nay, should have been? What is the world coming to when bags of trash can be tossed out with trash without anyone noticing? - 8/31/04
