Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

Winter Illness

Oh, the wonders of winter; snowfalls, frost bite, and coughing up your lungs all contribute to the wonderful season. Recently, I became ill as many others have due to Old Man Winter sneaking up behind me and thoroughly beating me with a cane. Or was that someone else? Oh well, this illness is of the bad sort. One of the ones where the pressure buildup in your head makes you ponder the possibility of using a hammer and smashing in your skull to relieve the pressure. Your eyes also dry up nice and good until you really feel that burning sensation, making you want to scratch your eyes out just a bit before smashing your skull with that hammer. The vicious coughing shouldn't be forgotten for its contribution to misery either. And who could forget the many nosebleeds from the same cursed nostril to the amount where keeping track seems futile. Then there comes the joy of medicine to combat this wonderful new friend of mine (although my other friends aren't much better. Zing! Oh... wait).

After some failed attempts at using human sacrifices in hopes getting better, I decided to give "modern medicine" a try (although nothing beats a good sacrificing). For this illness several forms of medication were deemed necessary after some delightfully long trips to waiting rooms spanning to over three hours on one visit. First, is the cough medicine, which they apparently don't make in pill form. It seems the trick is to so disgust your body with the medicine, so as to give a large amount of incentive not to get sick again later and get better faster. The makers of this medicine decided that to stop the coughing, the best way would be to give the recipient (unfortunately me in this case) cottonmouth. Forcing said recipient to constantly open their mouth and move their tongue around trying to wet the back of the throat, creating some odd looks (although in my case, judging an increase of odd looks is somewhat difficult due to the many received on a daily basis). There is also a medicine for the main virus part, which seems to work without much displeasure albeit slowly and some other medicine given to me. Although I don't really know what it does I just continue to take it in hopes of full recovery. In addition to these wonderful items I also take some vitamins. After discovering the absence of my beloved Flintstone's Vitamins (okay, I never had them, but cha-ching $$) I got some other kind that has a lot of 100%s, so it must be good.

Now, I am currently still in the recovery part of this dastardly illness. However, I am mostly better with a few lingering symptoms… okay, about all of them just reduced a bit. Hooray for medicine and all its boundless glory. Due to the medicine though, I am up for some nice sacrificing again. I should probably start off light; I think a goat will probably suffice for now. Before, I don't think I could concentrate well enough to do one. I wonder if drinking goat blood is supposed to help illness, I think I read that in Reader's Digest once… oh well, might as well give it a shot. The recovery period is long and filled with my quest to find who gave me the illness and beat them over the head with a very, very blunt object. It'll probably easier to pick some random person to scapegoat. After all, it's basically impossible to find the real culprit, so a random one will do, as long as I get to give someone a beating. I have a special club just for these occasions. After this miserable illness and suffering through this period I still wonder what I did to upset Old Man Winter. I should probably beat him over the head too. -1/30/03
