Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. Back to Previous Pennys. Back to Pen Penny.

New Year Resolutions

Before a new year approaches many people make a resolution, a goal of something to achieve in the next year. They vary from lose weight, to stop smoking, to no more goat sacrifices. Of course it's hard to stop goat sacrificing once you begin, but people still try. Some decide not to make a resolution because they realize they will fail and then pity themselves in a shriveled heap of defeat and failure as they struggle to come to terms with their clear lack of any will or backbone. These poor lost souls dread the coming year and pray to a false calendar god in an orgy of dance and pagan chanting as the great numbers change in a single moment in which they are filled with an unrivaled fear, as they will be smote for their impotence. Any given person can make a resolution in an attempt to better themselves. Instead of really trying and making several, most people just make one. What is my resolution, you're probably not asking but expecting me to mention? Well, I had many, many, many choices of areas in which to improve.

The most obvious choice is my strange urge to kill people and eat their flesh. Sure, everyone does it a little bit or every now and then, but it seems to be addictive to me. That's a big resolution though. Perhaps baby steps would be best, and for now just stop eating the flesh of my victims. However, the cravings may force me to break that resolution quickly. Maybe one out of two. What about the other way around? I just eat people a teensy bit while they're still alive and leave them alive. That might be just a bit mean though. So, a resolution in those matters is out.

I could vow to work on this website more. Update content and writings by dedicating myself to the website. I could work on it a lot and then update it regularly in large quantities. But… we can't have that and it would require a large amount of work. Also, I'd have to really dedicate myself to it and somehow come up with a lot of ideas to write about. So… no.

Another choice is learning to cope with the voices in my head. They're always arguing and fighting for dominance, which can be a distraction at times. I could always have a few of the personalities "taken care of." I know just the personality for the job too. This would require an outrageous amount of money though because he's just greedy. Getting rid of them through unproven things like "therapy" would take time and money, and my personalities vote not to make that a resolution.

Spending less on anime is a possibility. Over the past year I've spent an awfully large amount of money on various anime products. However, this resolution is downright laughable. I don't think it's possible and I don't know the exact amount I spent over the past year, so it'd only be guesswork that I could change if I saw it fit to.

I could establish world peace… by dominating the world. If the world were one country under the iron rule of a supreme dictator, myself of course, there would be no country with which to fight, only rebellions to crush. I'd also get a large amount of power and access to all the anime I want. This would be convenient. The one setback is that I would have to establish and create an army of minions to do my bidding. As any evil mastermind knows good minions are hard to find and most of the good ones are already employed by other evil masterminds who just don't know what they're doing and waste their valuable minion-services. I'd also have to get fancy looking uniforms for all of them, which aren't cheap. Maybe this should be a two or three year goal.

With all the others checked off only one choice is left. Make a good New Years resolution for next year. That is my goal. Think about it, it's not very common and gives me ample time to come up with a good one. It avoids pushing myself too hard and allows for some minor or very large setbacks. It is the perfect last minute resolution and one I think I'll be able to accomplish. -1/1/03
