
These are the descriptions of the Evas from the dvds. I will add photos to make it look better and less boring. Click on one or scroll down. Click Here for Images of the Evas


Eva Unit 00

The first Eva to be successfully completed, Unit 00 is a prototype and is structurally less complex that Units 01 and 02, with a single optical lens. Unit 00’s body was initially colored in the bright orange hues of a test model, but after it was destroyed by the Fifth Angel, its entire body was overhauled and repainted blue. Its final mission occurred during the 16th Angel’s attack.

Eva Unit 01

Eva Unit 01 is man’s only weapon against the awesome power of the Angels. Constructed under the top secret E-Plan, Unit 01 employs mysterious technology developed in the wake of the Second Impact. Only Yui Ikari knows the true nature of the beast within the machine and with her death, the biomechanical giant has taken on the rage of a lost soul.

Eva Unit 02

The first “production model” Eva, Unit 02 was built and tested in Germany. Designed for mass-production, it differs from units 00 and 01 in a number of features, possessing one main optical lens, three sub-optical lenses, four electric wave sensors, a cutter knife and blue body fluid. The development of special equipment like the D-type environment suit implies that future Evas will conform to Unit 02’s standards.

Eva Unit 03

Evangelion Unit 03 was built at NERV’s Second Branch in the US, and was shipped to Japan for the Fourth Child, Toji. During activation tests, however, the Thirteenth Angel attacked and took control of the Eva. In the ensuing battle, Unit 03 was heavily damaged, presumably beyond repair.
