Pen Pen's Evangelion

A Pen Pen for your Thoughts

This section will just be for, basically random thoughts and feelings. Since my thought process is mostly random you can probably expect this to be updated frequently. This section contains all the previous "pennys" that I have made. There is the title and a brief description of each for you to choose from. Back to Pen Penny.

Rise of the Zombie Brigade
A poetic testament to the heroic Zombie Brigade.

Quest for the Golden Thimble
A new creature of untold greatness searches for the fabled Golden Thimble.

Swiss March
The Swiss Army “accidentally” invades a neighbor nation, kind of how Hitler “accidentally” started World War II.

Late Adoption
A look at China and a practice of adopting people after they’re pretty much adults.

Obeying Orders
Germans have some problems because they just keep obeying orders, wait, that sounds familiar…

Republican Rap of Disappointment
A rap filled with sadness and remorse after elections.

P Emerald Nuts Now Yentyl-flavored
Some fun with abbreviations and curse words.

Bearded Despot
Saddam sports a beard. What effect will this have on beards and despots?

Golden Mane and Back
Lions are injected with gold, and not just for fun!

Failed Writings: Part 13: Anime Haiku
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Kitchen Utensils/ DJ Names / Chef Names
Some hip names for a new generation for utensils, DJs, or chefs many of which can be used interchangeably.

Failed Writings: Part 12: Gambling
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Failed Writings: Part 11: Spring
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Failed Writings: Part 10: Sandwiches
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Pool Romance Titles
Ideas for romantic titles about the game of pool..

Failed Writings: Part 9: Feathered Friends
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Two “Love” Poems
I write some romantic “love” poems.

Failed Writings: Part 8:Driving Haiku
Some more more failed attempts at writing.

Fun With Songs 6: Evening Troubles
We take yet another fun look at songs.

Fun With Songs 5: A Country Tune
We take yet another fun look at songs.

Failed Writings: Part 7:Rhymes
Some more more failed attempts at writing.

Failed Writings: Part 6: Snow
Some more more failed attempts at writing.

New Year Poem
A poem about the new year.

Fun With Songs 4: Communist Christmas Propaganda 4
We take yet another fun look at songs.

Fun With Songs 3: Communist Christmas Propaganda 3
We take another fun look at songs.

Fun With Songs 2: Communist Christmas Propaganda 2
We take another fun look at songs.

Fun With Songs: Communist Christmas Propaganda
We take a fun look at some songs.

Understanding HOPE
A look at the HOPE organization.

Jimmy Fallon: A PP Biography
A special look at the star of "Taxi."

Sleeping Around
A woman in Australia goes out and has sex with men, while she's "asleep."

Sexing Up the History Channel
Some advice to help the History Channel get greater ratings.

Republican Rap
A rap by Republicans.

Random Facts 6
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

Monitoring Madness
The best way to look after your child is to tag them like an animal and then release them into the wild of school..

Bear’s Rain
A look at the long struggle between bears and alcoholism.

Captain Planet
A close examination of Captain Planet.

Failed Writings: Part 5: Pirates
Some more more failed attempts at writing.

Cheese Hurling
Cheese is thrown at the Prime Minister of Australia in protest.

Trashy Art
Some “art” is thrown away, that art being a bag of trash.

Ant Attack
A super colony of ants has formed in Melbourne and the US.

Witch-Doctor Malpractice
I take a look at some recent practices of witch-doctors.

S is for Shut the Hell Up
I examine an ongoing series of novels with clever titles.

New York Minute
An examination of the term "New York minute."

Random Facts 5
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

Contemporary Coffins
Coffin makers try to jazz up that totally depressing thing known as death.

Robotic Role Models
Robots that usually spend their time playing soccer take a break to clear some mines.

Network Naming
Several different couples name their child after ESPN.

The first privately owned spacecraft is launched.

Go Greyhound
I visit the Greyhound Hall of Fame.

The Ballad of Things
My first ever attempt at a ballad.

The Hitler Diaries Continued
More excerpts from a brand new fake diary by Hitler.

The Hitler Diaries
Excerpts from a brand new fake diary by Hitler.

Indonesian Politicking
A look at the parties of Indonesia, sort of.

Juicer Quest
An epic quest to find a large juicer to juice some large oranges.

Surveying Surveys
I look through some poorly-done surveys.

French Connections
Some odd and suspicious connections about the French.

Bags of Fun
A bag... full of magic, or not. It's something about a bag though.

Salad Violence
Violence spreads due to salads and salad consumption.

Failed Writings: Part 4: Literature About Computers
Some more more failed attempts at writing.

Love Thrives, Dies, and Hisses
Ken and Barbie break up and other instances in the world of love.

Fascist Fun
Some recent events in the world of fascism and fascism related things.

Greek Movie Title
A serious discussion about the mistranslation of a movie title degenerates.

Beer Bulletins
Many news related happenings in the world of beer.

Legal Thieves
Venezuela is considering decriminalizing theft when it is motivated by poverty.

High Research
A natural chemical the body releases after running for long periods of time is similar to marajuana.

Art Dolls
Taking pictures of nude Barbie dolls in danger of being destroyed is considered art by a panel of judges.

A Raving Rant
I rant on and on about nothing in particular.

Tool Shed Head
A man's head is kept in a tool shed for 11 years.

German Potpourri
A few different events from Germany.

Diets Abound
A wide array of brand new diets are provided for those trying to lose a few pounds.

Plotting Pets
Pets, they seem to be our allies and loyal friends but are they really?

Spam Wars
A brave internet user strikes back against the evil spamming forces.

Gnome Snatchers
A terrorist organization that takes people's gnomes emerges in France.

Death and Rebirth
My greatest foe, my computer, dies.

Halloween Haters
For some reason European countries are fighting against Halloween.

Someone tries to discredit me after earlier exposing a heinous plot.

Random Facts 4
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

Buttered Swedish Shoes
Some shoes with butter in them are discovered in Sweden. What does it mean?

Speculations No Longer
Sequel to 'Wild Speculations,' the sinister plot is elaborated upon.

Failed Writings: Part 3: Tapping the Youth Market
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Random Facts 3
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

Restaurant Trip
A trip to a restaurant leaves much to be desired.

Plain Hamburgers
I unsuccessfully try to order a plain hamburger.

Man Versus Machine
An epic battle between me and my computer.

Wild Speculations
After the blackout I wildly speculate about it's cause, the results are shocking.

Published Author
Becoming a published author shows my obvious superiority over the majority of people.

Random Facts 2
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

Failed Writings: Part 2: Attack of Tim
Some more failed attempts at writing.

Bargain Deals 2: Electric Boogaloo
A second look at some great bargain prices and items.

Bargain Deals
A look at some great bargain prices and items.

Failed Writings
I try to write, but fail completely.

Looting Monkeys
People loot things, including monkeys.

Anime For Rent
A video rental store creates an anime section.

Interview With a Robot
I take the time to interview a robot.

Quest for Excel
A great and not-so-epic quest for anime.

Dial Tone
I am sort of trapped in a phone by someone.

Ocelot Quest
A somewhat-epic quest for a much needed ocelot.

Jig Trauma
While dancing jigs some people can suffer trauma, and recovery is difficult.

Interesting Conspiracy
A conspiracy about McDonald's and their plots.

Another Fine Meal
Information about an interesting cuisine, a cuisine in the way of insects.

Another Quiz
I get another online quiz sent to me to fill out.

Dessert Museum
The Jell-O museum, the pinnacle and envy of all museums.

Winter Illness
Winter brings snow, cold, and illnesses.

A Survey
A survey that I decided to fill out.

New Year Resolutions
A few choices are debated for a New Year's resolution.

Random Facts
Some random tidbits of information I have decided to bestow upon the readers.

A Quiz
Someone sent me an online quiz and I decided to fill it out.

Lord Cheesewedge Letters
A letter from a false Lord Cheesewedge and Lord Cheesewedge's response.

Mmm... People
Cannibalism. What exactly is it?

Plots and Schemes
No one can just sit down and be a good plotter.

In the Middle
In the middle of a Pen Penny.

Halloween Fun
Halloween is a special and unique holiday.

What exactly is a psycho and who would be the best?

Perception, Again… Sort Of
Sort of a sequel to Perception, but it is just very annoying.

Wandering off the topic of perception.

Kindness of Heart
How can a company guarantee kindness of heart?

Journey of the Mind
A very bad shift at work.

The More Things Change
Changes made to the website are discussed with lots of deadwood in between.

Rally Time
Some comments about a Nazi rally and some background information on this rather unknown and obscure group.

Useless Criticism
Sometimes foolish people criticize me.

Complaints and Complainers
People sometimes complain about the site.

Like A Fox
Crazy like a fox and other fox-related things.

Commercial Fun
Commercials can be interesting and also diabolical.

Interview With a Webmaster: Part 2
Another strange and odd interview with yours truly.

Unwanted Attention
Some people seem to have noticed the site (in a not so good way) as many incidents occur.

A Purpose?! Ha!
Does this website have a purpose? Why is it so crappy?

Brain Jelly
Sometimes my brain turns to jelly. (includes a nifty recipe)

Tree Nationality
The Arbor Day Foundation ran a commercial advertising a vote for America's National Tree. The only problem is that it took place over a year ago.

ESPN Gets A "Bee"
ESPN 2 airs the National Spelling Bee, and it is fantastic.

No, I Will Not Pardon Your "French"
People cause and then ask to be pardoned for speaking French, when they didn't.

Scientific Society
Many new breakthroughs in the scientific community give frightening opportunities.

Bashing Bashers
An examination of why fools don't like Star Wars.

Well, Medium, Rare or Cloned?
They cloned a cow from a dead cow, which leads to many opportunities.

When Computers Attack
My computer dislikes me very much and does everything it can to ruin my day.

Krafting America
Perhaps the biggest monopoly of all time is Macaroni & Cheese and they flaunt it.

Propelling Forward
Gatorade's advertising attempt at their version of water.

Library Court
A woman is convicted for not returning library books.

Saving Daylight
Daylight savings time a waste of time?

What's Love Got To Do With It
People are wearing "I (picture of a heart) NY" shirts. Why? Who is NY?

Every Dog Has His Day
A couple is convicted of manslaughter because of their dog and the reprecussions that will follow.

What I Really, Really Want
McDonald's launched a new ad campaign to counter KFC's attacks on the fast food industry.

E.T.: The Advertising Terrestrial
It is sad that E.T. sold out and advertised for many products.

Afghani Tourism
After announcing they want to increase tourism, Pen Pen's Evangelion tries to help.

Government Mishaps
Well, we all make mistakes, including the government. What they did concerning the Taliban.

Spiders and Dragons
In addition to the new Spiderman movie there are plans to make a live-action Dragon Ball Z movie.

Interview With A Webmaster
It is, an interview with this website's webmaster.

Feline Folk
Cat-women hybrids are in many anime and it is quite disturbing.

Trusting the French
After what the French judge did at the Olympics, can we trust the French?

Midst of Confusion
A scandal affecting the whole world, or not, concerning the website.

Website in Review
A review of this very website by this website.

Post Post Post Post Game Report
The tragedy of the latest Super Bowl for one group of people.

The Silent Salty Killer
Pretzels, the attack on the President is one of many by these fiends. With an update.

Battling the Euro
A plot uncovered to fight the Euro which was supposed to be worth more than the dollar.

To Link or Not to Link
Deciding whether or not to link with other websites and webrings.

Dining with Cannibals
A review and look at an interesting website which sells human flesh to eat.

"It" Has Arrived and "It" Should Go Back Where "It" Came From
What was referred to as "it" that would change the world was a new gyroscopic scooter.

“Potter Fever”
A look at the craze for Harry Potter and some odd conclusions.

Delaying is Such Sweet Sorrow
Another look after the movies were delayed again.

Damn them! Damn them all to HELL!!
The Eva movies delayed again.
