Rebirth Extended Summary

A completely original summary of the Evangelion: Rebirth. This section is just the extended version. It's almost an exact script, so it's rather long. Back to Movies. To Death Extended Summary. To End of Evangelion Extended Summary.

Shinji is standing by the lake created by the self-destruction of Unit 0 which is the reverse view from the ending credits of Death. At the first cranial ward Shinji is next to Asuka, who is in a coma-like state. Shinji says Misato and Ayanami scare me help me help me Asuka hey wake up hey wake up hey, hey. He is shaking Asuka. Shinji says Asuka…Asuka…Asuka. Shinji begins to sob. Shinji says help me please help me help me help me help me help me call me an idiot like you always do hey. Shinji pulls on Asuka and the wires on her chest cause her blouse to rip open, exposing her breasts. The door is shown locked and heavy breathing is heard. There is a substance on Shinji's hand. Shinji says I'm so fucked up. Text appears saying: Evangelion: Rebirth. Maya says all access to and from headquarters has been restricted. Hyuga says we're on first level alert. Maya says that doesn't make sense I thought Kaworu was the last Angel. Aoba says he was all the Angels have been defeated. Hyuga says if we're all safe, what are we doing on First Level Alert. Maya says what's going to happen to NERV and the Evas I wish Dr. Akagi was here. Aoba says NERV will probably be disbanded I don't know what they're going to do with us. Hyuga says all we can do is wait for the Instrumentality Project to commence. Misato is in her car. Misato thinks so mankind, a race of flawed and incomplete separate entities, has reached the end of its evolutionary potential the Instrumentality Project will manufacture the evolution of man's separate entities into a single consummate being and the Committee won't use NERV or Adam they'll use the Evas just like Kaji said they would. A meeting of SEELE is taking place; there are large black monoliths with SEELE and a different number on each. SEELE 1 says the time is at hand without the Lance of Longinus. The Lance of Longinus is shown on the moon. SEELE 1 says we cannot use Lilith to complete the Project our only hope is to proceed using Lilith's only true offspring Eva Unit 1. Gendou says that was not part of SEELE's original plan. Fuyutsuki says creating the Evangelion was the pinnacle of mankind's existence. Gendou says humanity must evolve and shape this brave new world that was why we created the Eva Series. SEELE 9 says we need not cast aside our human form to use Evangelion as our own private Ark. SEELE 12 says it's merely part of the process to free us all for rebirth. A member of SEELE says the fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth. A member of SEELE says through the sacrament of death, God, and humanity and all living beings will be united and reborn as one. Gendou says death creates nothing. A member of SEELE says you deserve death. The SEELE monoliths disappear. Fuyutsuki says mankind exists because it has the will to live that is the will of she who chose to remain in the Eva. Rei awakes at night she leaves her room and Gendou's glasses lie broken. Shinji has headphones in his ears but his SDAT is out of batteries. Misato is at terminal hacking into the computer system and some empty containers of coffee. Misato says so that's what really happened during Second Impact. Everything is deleted. Misato says they're on to me no wait something else it's begun. The emergency lights turn on. An announcement says we are under attack. Fuyutsuki says transfer the left to the emergency communications systems use satellite feed if you have to correct what's the right side status. Someone says negative all outgoing network lines are being systematically cut off. Fuyutsuki says they're going after the Magi. Aoba says data upload from external terminals they're trying to hack into the Magi sir. Fuyutsuki says just as I thought is it coming from the Magi 2 in Matsushiro. Aoba says no there are five Magi systems working together so far I've identified the Magi from Germany, China, and the U.S. Fuyutsuki says SEELE is pooling all its resources five Magi against one not good odds. Aoba says the fourth firewall has been breached. Hyuga says locking the main databases negative the system is being overtaken. Maya says they've breached the next level the backup system is inoperative. Fuyutsuki thinks this is bad if they capture the Magi they'll be able to occupy headquarters. In an isolation chamber the door opens and Ritsuko is inside. Ritsuko says let me guess they need help with the Magi's self-defense system. The person in the doorway says yes report to the Second Command Center where you will be briefed by Lt. Ibuki. Ritsuko says he expects the woman he abandoned to jump when he calls arrogant bastard. Misato is walking down the hall and on the phone. Misato says status report. Hyuga says good morning Tokyo 2 launched Special Order A-801. Misato asks 801. Hyuga says NERV's legal protection and jurisdiction has been rescinded and command has been transferred to the Japanese Government that was the only warning they tried to take the Magi but we've managed to contain the damage so far. Maya says Ibuki here Dr. Akagi is currently installing additional defense programs. Misato enters the room. Misato says Ritsuko. Ritsuko is in one of the Magi systems typing. Ritsuko thinks am I doing something stupid the interaction between men and women is so illogical. Ritsuko says isn't that right. She touches the covering, which contains a brain. Ritsuko says mother. Misato says how much longer. Hyuga says we should make it Dr. Akagi is amazing. Misato thinks just hacking into the Magi yeah; right I doubt they're going to let us off that easily. Fuyutsuki says the Magi was just foreplay they plan to launch an all-out offensive against Headquarters and take the two Evas by force don't they. Gendou says of course we have both Adam and Lilith. Fuyutsuki says no wonder the old men are so nervous. Maya says external feed to the Magi has been halted a Danang B-Type Defense program is in place external access has been cut off for the next 62 hours. Ritsuko says mother I'll see you soon. At SEELE meeting a member says Ikari has installed a Type 666 firewall on the Magi's external feed circuits that's very difficult to breach apparently we will have to forgo acquisition of the Tokyo-3 Magi. SEELE 1 says I had hoped to settle this peacefully launch the invasion forces immediately. A military person says all units move out as planned. VTOLs, tanks, and rockets shoot. At NERV someone says we have lost the radar feed from sectors 8-17. Aoba says a large detachment of Special Force Units has invaded the outer defense perimeter. Hyuga says two more are approaching from the Gotenba sector. Fuyutsuki says after all we've been through our final enemy is our fellow man. Gendou says all personnel go to Level One battle stations. Maya says battle stations but they're humans not Angels. Hyuga says I wish they felt the same way. A NERV person is killed and doors open revealing a mass of troops in black. A NERV person says what's happening hey. Another NERV person says what's wrong. The other NERV person says transmission from the southern hub has been. The area around them explodes. Soldiers run past dead NERV personnel. At the NERV Command Center a person says the Daigatake tunnel has been cut off. Another person says fire in the West No.5 entrance. Someone says hostile forces have entered Level 1. Misato says the west side attack is a decoy if they're really after the Evas they'll go after the pilots first tell Shinji to stand by in Unit 1. Hyuga says roger. Misato says where's Asuka. Aoba says still in recovery room 303. Misato says get her in Unit 2. Maya says there's no way she can synchronize with Unit 2. Misato says if they find her they're going to kill her if we put her in Unit 2 at least she'll be safe. Maya says understood. Misato says as soon as Asuka's in there hide Unit 2 at the bottom of the lake it's not the best hiding place but it's better than the cage where's Rei. Aoba says unable to locate pilot of Unit 0 is missing. Misato says she will be killed find her now. Rei is in a tube. Unit 2 launches. Hyuga says launching Unit 2 via gate number 8 the Eva will remain underwater at a depth of 70 meters. Misato says prepare to deploy Unit 1 station it in the Geofront. Aoba says we can't Shinji isn't there. A picture of Shinji sitting under a staircase appears on a screen. Misato says oh dear God. An announcement says full lock down has been instigated starting at Level 2 all non-combat personnel must evacuate via route 87 immediately I repeat. Aoba says the NO.3 underground barricade has been destroyed. Fuyutsuki says there's nothing we can do to hold them off our defeat has become inevitable. Gendou says Professor Fuyutsuki please see to the rest of this for me. Fuyutsuki says yes Commander give my regards to Yui. There is an explosion troops advance firing. Someone shoots with a bazooka. Flying vehicles shoot into tubes where there are NERV personnel. Someone says no response from Level 2. Another person says contact has been lost with control room 77. Aoba says internal monorail track 57 has been destroyed. Hyuga says this is brutal I'd rather be fighting the Angels. Misato thinks of course we're not used to fighting human enemies. One of NERV personnel is dragging another NERV member and is shot. Some shoot cables. Someone says sever the red ones first. The troops advance. At NERV Command someone says Level 3 Block B has been invaded there's no stopping them. Aoba says enemy presence confirmed in Block F the main bypass in under fire. Misato says seal off levels 1-3 order a full retreat release Bakelite through all passages up through section 803. Aoba says right. An announcement says commencing Bakelite release in section 703 thirty seconds to completion commencing Bakelite release in section 737. Bakelite is released into the halls and other areas. Misato says well that should buy us some time. Hyuga says Major Katsuragi Route 47 is completely blocked the third Unit is unable to advance Shinji is cut off. Shinji is still sitting under the stairs. Misato says all non-combat personnel should avoid engaging the enemy these guys are pros. She checks her handgun ammunition. Misato says so if you can't retreat ton Central Dogma you're better off just surrendering take care of things here for me. Hyuga says right. A troop says this is harder than we thought. Another troop says we never get the easy jobs. Hyuga says this is insane the center wasn't made to withstand invading armies. Aoba says we can barely hold off terrorists. Aoba gets out some weapons. Hyuga says if the JSSDF launches a full-scale attack we're screwed. Aoba says slowly but surely they've been cutting our defense budget they've probably been planning this since the very beginning. Hyuga says very possible. There is an explosion and several troops enter NERV Command. Aoba gives Maya a handgun. Aoba says release the safety. Maya says I can't I just can't shoot this thing. Aoba says of course you can you've had basic training. Maya says but I shot at targets not at other human beings. Aoba says idiot it's kill or be killed. Text appears saying: Evangelion: Rebirth. Rei is by where the Dummy Plugs were kept. Gendou says Rei I knew I'd find you here the time has come let's go. A soldier says Level 1 has been secured over. Over the radio someone says roger that we are moving in on the Magi and the Level 2 Command Center we are currently engaged in combat commence cooling of the Fifth Malbolgia sector immediately. Person over radio says terminate Eva pilots on sight execution of non-combat personnel has been authorized. Over radio says Yahagihara and Shinjo units proceed to lower level. A shot is fired next to Shinji. A soldier says we've located the Third Child commencing termination. He puts a gun to Shinji's head. The soldier says sorry kid nothing personal. The soldier is shot in the side of the head. Misato is running down the hall shooting. Misato pins the last remaining soldier against a wall says nothing personal here and shoots him in the head. Misato says let's get you to Unit 1 come on. Misato is listening to one of the radios it says roger that we have the purple unit surrounded the Bakelite infusion was not a problem. Shinji and Misato are by her car in parking lot 667. Misato says damn they're trying to prevent contact between Shinji and Unit 1 we're running out of time this is it Shinji do you want to run away or do you want to pilot the Eva if you sit there and do nothing then you're already dead. Shinji says help me Asuka help me. Misato says hiding behind the skirts of a little girl at a time like this giving up halfway is worse than never trying at all get up. She pulls on Shinji's arm. Misato says move it. Shinji says I want to die I don't want to do anything. Misato says stop talking like a stubborn little brat like it or not you're still alive get moving and DO something you can die later. Fuyutsuki on the phone says unimportant securing Terminal Dogma is your top priority understand. There is shooting. Hyuga says they've destroyed everything else why don't they just nuke us and get it over with. Aoba says if we weren't sitting on top of the original Magi system they probably would have. Hyuga says they probably need it in as intact as they can get it. Aoba says I just hope they don't use BC weapons things could get pretty ugly. Hyuga says that or N2 mines. A large explosion above Tokyo 3 opens a giant hole in the Geofront. Aoba says speak of the devil. Hyuga says they aren't holding anything back. Fuyutsuki says they're over doing it. Missiles are fired into the hole. Maya says why do they want the Eva this badly. Misato is in her car with Shinji driving by the heads of failed Evas. Misato says they plan to initiate Third Impact using the Eva series instead of the Angels 15 years ago Second Impact was intentionally engineered by mankind because it was the only way to minimize the potential damage they had to reduce Adam to an embryonic state before the other Angels awoke you see Shinji mankind was spawned from a being called Lilith just like Adam was we are the 18th Angel the other Angels are just different possibilities of what we could become sadly we can't coexist even though we are fundamentally the same creatures listen Shinji you have to destroy the rest of the Eva Series it's the only way to stay alive. Person at desk says the phone lines are all dead. Text appears saying: Nagano Prefecture, Neo Tokyo 2. Person standing says yes sir Missile impact was confirmed three minutes ago. Text appears saying: Prime Minister's Official Residence Executive Office Number 3. Person at the desk says this Instrumentality Project NERV was secretly researching trying to initiate Third Impact and destroy all of mankind the whole thing makes me sick. The person standing says humanity is probably the only creature capable of hating its own kind. Person at desk says well, then I suppose all we have left to do is destroy NERV Headquarters. The person standing says should Germany or China begin re-development. Person at desk says no we won't make the same mistake twice make sure no one can touch it for the next 20 years, like Old Tokyo. Soldier reports surface heat has dissipated high-pressure steam discharges have also stopped all detachment's positions have been confirmed. A soldier says Dogma Level 3 and the purple unit are currently secured. A soldier says and the red one. The soldier says in the lake about 70 meters down we don't know if the pilot is alive or dead. Asuka is in Unit 2. Asuka says I'm still alive. Depth charges land in the lake and go off Asuka screams. Asuka says I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die. A voice says you're still alive you mustn't die yet you must live I won't let you die I will protect you you're still alive I won't let you die you mustn't die please die with me don't kill her. Asuka says I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die. A voice says you must live. Asuka says I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!! There are brief pictures of Asuka: as a corpse covered in maggots, merging with a doll that is being hanged, a stuffed toy ripping apart, and Asuka crying. A picture of an ocean is shown. A young Asuka says Mamma you've been here all along. The young Asuka touches the figure. Asuka says Mamma. Unit 2 activates. A large beam comes out of the lake a soldier says what is that. Another soldier says dear God. Unit 2 lifts up a ship and uses it block missiles and then throws it. Asuka thinks Mamma, Mamma now I understand the meaning of the A.T. Field. Unit 2 flies through the air dodging missiles. Asuka thinks says you were always protecting me always watching over me. Unit 2 lands. Two missiles hit Unit 2 one in the head and the other in a hand. Asuka says we were always together Mamma. Someone says over the radio in Misato's car Eva Unit 2 has activated Asuka is okay she's alive. Misato says Asuka. Unit 2 is walking slowly. A soldier says the cable focus your firepower on that cable. The cable is severed. Asuka says even without my umbilical cable I've still got 12 thousand plates of fortified armor and I've got my A.T. Field. Unit 2 uses its A.T. Field to destroy VTOLs. Asuka says there's no way I can lose. Unit 2 hits a VTOL. Asuka says not to you bastards. Unit 2 uses a VTOL to smash into another VTOL. Unit 2 kicks a VTOL, hits another, and back kicks another. A member of SEELE says that loathsome Evangelion once again our plans will go unrealized it seems we'll have to fight fire with fire. Planes are in the air. Entry plugs with 'Kaworu' on the side enter into the white Evangelions that make up the Eva Series. The Eva Series fly down from the planes. Asuka says the Eva Series it's been completed. The Eva Series circles above Unit 2, the picture fades to black and the credits begin.

To Death Extended Summary

To End of Evangelion Extended Summary
