Old news

From September 2001 the first month of operation. Not much happened.

9/23/01 Well, I got a picture up, expect a big update around the beginning of October.

9/19/01 (Even more minutes later) Aaaaaaaaaaaa! What did I do?! I killed the counter! Huh? Oh, wait nevermind.

9/19/01 (A few minutes later) Well that was quick poll's up

9/19/01 Sorry about the delay, I just got lazy. Oh yeah. I'm a dummkopf how can someone e-mail me if they don't know my adress, well its fettkanos@aol.com It may not be related to eva, but don't judge. Learning HTML is coming along and I should have a big update soon. You can also e-mail me to voice your opinion about what I should update first until I get off my butt and make a poll.

9/13/01 One year after second impact this website is up and currently, well, sucks but I will clean it up and start adding stuff soon.
