Old news

From September 2002. The anniversary for being up one year leads to a new format and End of Evangelion is finally released domestically.

9/28/02 I haven't finished going through the End of Eva special features yet, so a review isn't completed. In news not related to anything whatsoever, I went to Fort Riley in Kansas and got to shoot a 50 cal. heavy machine gun and an M4 assault rifle, it was great.

9/27/02 I just got End of Eva today but I am very busy and also busy the whole weekend. I'll try to get a review up sometime this weekend, though I don't know when I'll have the time.

9/26/02 Those who have defective End of Eva DVDs should probably report it to Manga. Anyway, I uploaded two different Pen Thoughts to the Pen Penny section. Don't get too excited though. The first one posted (it will show up as second, because the most recent one is at the top) isn't too good. I also moved two Pen Thoughts to Previous Pennys.

9/25/02 There are reports that the End of Eva DVD is incompatible with some platforms and won't play the second half of the movie. That's all I know at this time.

9/24/02 The day has finally come, unfortunately I will probably not get it till Friday, which angers me to a momentous degree. I have moved the counter to this update and it will remain and later be moved to old news and continue to count up.
This is a countdown to the US release of End of Evangelion (CST, hey it's where I am):

9/23/02 One Day. Tomorrow End of Evangelion will be released in the US domestically after many, many years. Okay, over two years ago it was supposed to be released, so 'many, many' may not quite fit. Still, it did take a rather long time. At this point it I believe I will not get my copy tomorrow, much to my sadness. Anyway, tomorrow is also one of the biggest release dates in anime for the year with over 20 titles coming out including: the first volume of the X tv series, the next Real Bout High School, the next Berserk (which I already have), Dragonhalf, among many others. Also, ADV Films (if you don't know they released the Evangelion tv series in the US) has mentioned about an international liscensing fair taking place in October that among other titles Eva is listed under being pushed for TV, home video, merchandising, and game rights. Could this mean Eva video games being released in America? Or will ADV rerelease the entire series with the footage that was added later on to the last couple of episodes in order to milk Eva for more money? I really want Evangelion games to be released in America but I also want the additional footage added in later to be released here too. I'll update with any answers as soon as I learn them.

9/22/02 I just made a little correction, there are six volumes of Berserk in all instead of five. Also I would like to mention Kenji just had his birthday, for those of you who don't know he is (so far) the only contributor to the Fan Fics section. If you have a fan fic and want to submit it just e-mail me me by clicking there or from one of the many places given.

9/21/02 After viewing the 12 episode series I added Haunted Junction to Other Reviews. When I get End of Eva which I'm thinking won't be Tuesday, which makes me sad, I will try to get the review up as soon as possible and then sometime soon after that the summary.

9/20/02 Despite the fact that it comes out Tuesday I received and, after viewing, added the third volume of Berserk to Other Reviews. At this point I fear that I will not get End of Eva on Tuesday.

9/18/02 I added a countdown that will hit zero at when it reaches the 24th, when End of Eva is released in the US. It's in Central Standard Time, just so you don't think I'm off by an hour or two. I'm in central standard time so it was easiest. Since the tutorial I took didn't have this I had to borrow the code from another site and modify it for my needs. I'll take it down afterwards, I think I'll try to get it to Old News when I move the September updates there.

9/17/02 Nothing much, just stopped by to remind everyone the U.S. domestic release of End of Evangelion is in one week. I pre-ordered it so I might not get it then. I'll try to get a review up of the features soon after that and then hope to get around to the summary a short time afterwards.

9/15/02 Well... Angelfire has struck again. After they shrunk accounts down to 20 mb they still left ones over 20mb alone and just had them at their set limit. I suppose they didn't like this and so, they deleted nonhtml files that were the most recent. So when I logged in I saw this message that they were going to do it a couple of weeks ago but it was the first time I ever saw the message. So they deleted about 30 or so images. I am angry. Now I must say I am now determined to get a dotcom before the end of the year. It will take a fair amount of money to get the server I want and it will also take a while for me to change all of the code. I'd better get out because I read that they can choose the limit so it will probably shrink again in the future. Anyway, I fixed all the image errors, including the ones caused by the deleted files, except for the number of images listed on the main image page. I don't think I will bother and just let it stay as a reminder. I also noticed a problem with the menu, on some pages Anime Reviews is cut off, if you want to get there than just click on features if it is cut off from the page you are currently on. I added it to the large paragraph of stuff above Recent. I also never mentioned that I put up a new poll, it asks if you like the new setup. One more thing, I am still very mad.

9/14/02 First of all, I fixed a couple of errors I found but I haven't finished going through the image pages so if you're navigating through there you might find some pages where the links are broken or some images don't appear because the code was written before I found out I couldn't upload more images. Also, I reviewed the second volume of Those Who Hunt Elves completing the series, and the fourth volume of Lost Universe and put them up in Other Reviews. I also put up a new Pen Penny and moved one to Previous Pennys. I know it's the first one of the month but I've been kind of busy. I'll try to fix the rest of the errors in the next few days.

9/13/02 Well, it's the Second Anniversary of Second Impact and the First Anniversary of the start of this website!! What could be better than a complete reformatting of the site into a new and improved setup? I realize there are some mistakes, I know of some but I'm in a hurry right now, I will get them all fixed in the next couple of days. I did various things some were just to help me out and make it a little easier for me. I organized the somewhat small Links area. I changed the font to verdana and like the last time I changed font it will remain High Tower Text in all the old news. It may look a little big but the next size was too small for my liking. I also changed the background color and made the menu look nicer. That's all for now but I might update some more later today.

9/9/02 I finally got around to it and finished the summary for Evangelion: Rebirth. I put the brief summary with the Death and Rebirth review. It links to the extended summary, so does Movies, or you can get to it directly here. I warn you though, just like Death, it is almost a script so it is pretty long although not as long as Death. I also got up another review, I added Those Who Hunt Elves volume 1 to Other Reviews. That's all for today.

9/6/02 I got around to it and finished the summary for Evangelion: Death. I have the brief summary with the Death and Rebirth review. It links to the extended summary, so does Movies, or you can get to it directly here. I warn you though it is almost a script so it is pretty long. I also got up another review, I added Lost Universe volume 3 to the first two in Other Reviews. That's all for today.

9/4/02 Well, I wanted to get up my summary for Evangelion: Death today but then when I was near the end of it my electricity flickered and my computer restarted. Since I last saved when I first began it I didn't feel like doing it over again tonight. I will get Evangelion: Death and, hopefully, Rebirth summaries up by the 13th (maybe). I am also working on another site that has nothing to do with anime, but it's not very complicated or large so it shouldn't take up too much of my time. Sorry, no actual update tonight.

9/2/02 I didn't feel like it yesterday so today I moved most of the August updates to Old News.

9/1/02 I added a review to the second volume of Lost Universe. Other Reviews.
