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Sound Page

I know it's not much yet, but it's up. All sounds are from the dubbed unless otherwise noted. I have made all of these except one or two. If you want a specific sound e-mail me a request. I'll get it up as soon as I can.

passes.wav Misato: And don't worry I'm not going to be making any passes at him. Ritsuko: Of course your not. How could you even think of it? You've got no shame at all. Misato: Some people don't have any sense of humor. (199 k) *NEW*

what did you say.wav Misato: What did you say?! (124 k) *NEW*

reactivate.wav Tech: The Eva's reactivating. Maya: I don't believe it. This can't be! Misato: My God. Ritsuko: Berserker. (167 k) *NEW*

no shinji.wav Misato: No, Shinji! (31 k) *NEW*

get inside.wav Misato: Get inside. (22 k) *NEW*

cover.wav Misato: Why don't you cover up. Shinji: Huh? (135 k) *NEW*

berserker.wav Ritsuko: Berserker. (22 k) *NEW*

be nicer.wav Misato: I guess I should be nicer, but he's probably already made up his mind about me. (124 k) *NEW*

waste taxpayer money.wav Fuyutsuki: It's a waste of the taxpayers' money. (54 k)

that babe.wav Toji: Hey, it's that babe. (38 k)

stow line of crap.wav Shinji: But, Ayanami, and you... Misato: Stow that line of crap (86 k)

sorry newcomer ext.wav Toji: Sorry newcomer, but I had to clobber you. I had to pop you one to work off my own anger. (135 k)

sorry newcomer.wav Toji: Sorry newcomer, but I had to clobber you. (75 k)

not care killed.wav Misato: But if you get into an Eva with that attitude it will kill you. Shinji: You know, I just don't care anymore. (124 k)

must not run away 2.wav Shinji repeating he must not run away (different from the other one). (108 k)

idiot fights can't win ext.wav Toji: Geez! Don't you have any balls at all? Kensuke: Only an idiot fights when they know they can't win. Balls has nothing to do with it. (221 k)

idiot fights can't win.wav Kensuke: Only an idiot fights when they know they can't win. Balls has nothing to do with it. (108 k)

hang in there.wav Misato: Hang in there. (32 k)

deserve to be hit.wav Shinji: I'm the one who deserved to be hit not you. I'm a coward. I'm dishonest. I'm sneaky and a wimp. (135 k)

weve done it.wav Unit 1 roaring and Fuyutsuki saying: We've done it. (188 k)

must not run away.wav Shinji repeating: I mustn't run away. (129 k)

do it or leave.wav Gendou: If you're going to do it, then do it. If not, then leave. (135 k)

little flash ext.wav Other Reality Shinji: Not a good look really, just a little flash. With comments from Other Reality Toji. (280 k)

little flash.wav Other Reality Shinji: Not a good look really, just a little flash. (92 k)

Misato_car.wav Misato upset about her car and dress being ruined. (404 k) *IMPROVED*

error.wav Beeps, Misato: Error? What the hell? (192 k)

error altered.wav Misato: Error? What the hell? The program must have been altered. It must have. (307 k)

stop_running.wav Shinji: Stop running you bastard! (94 k)

whatthehellisthis.wav Shinji: What the hell is this!? (69 k)

whatthehellisthisext.wav What the hell is this sound extended (232 k)

pen_pen_hum.wav A sound of Pen Pen humming something (86 k)

touch.wav Sound clip from the infamous "don't touch me there" scene (1012 k) *IMPROVED*

Asuka freakazoid.wav Asuka: Freakazoid (94 k)

Asuka German.wav Asuka speaking in German (636 k)

Asuka jap.wav (Don't know what she's saying) (71 k)

blast2.wav A blast sound (25 k)

evacuate.wav Discussion about evacuating (505 k)

Misato children.wav Misato: Stop acting like children (92 k)

Misato jap.wav (Don't know) (148 k)

Misato no fun.wav Misato: Your'e no fun (52 k)

Misato ok.wav Misato: Okay (50 k)

Misato see ya later.wav Misato: See ya later (40 k)

Misato sorry.wav Misato(sarcastically, or drunk): I'm sorry (75 k)

Misato what's that.wav Misato: What's that (57 k)

Pen Pen.wav Pen Pen: Squaaaaaaawwwwwwwk (86 k)

Shinji not buy excuse.wav Shinji: I don't think anyone will buy that excuse (106 k)

Shinji not mature.wav Shinji: Your'e not as mature as I thought you'd be either (94 k)

work.wav Toji (yelling): Get back to work (57 k)
