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These are links to some of my favorite sites.

Sailor Moon INFO Center
I'm pretty sure this is under constuction, but it's a very nice site ran by a friend of mine.
Images from the moon
The best place to get Sailor Moon manga pictures, I don't think this site is looked after anymore, sadly...

Styrr's Anime Realm

One of my favorite sites! this has everything you'd ever want about anime. lol, and since her theme is Fushigi Yuugi I thought I'd make a banner for her. It's still under some construction.

MCRK's website!
It's a wonderful fanfiction site, and it's mainly about my fav. couple Jeadite and Rei! MCRK's a beautiful writer, I hope you all go and read As Tears Fell and Courage Under Fire.

Nami's One Piece and Gundam Wing site

this has nothing to do with Sailor Moon, but it's a very nice site. This is one of my favs. because it's more orignal.
Once again, nothing to do with Sailor Moon, but a very nice site, and if you like FDDs you'll love this.


Another website that has nothing to do with anime, but still very funny/intresting/canoodling....wait I'm not sure if it can be used that way.
Some groups I'm intrested in or were forced upon me to put up. Just kidding.

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