The Pilots meet the Scouts This is a cross-over between Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing. I'm not too happy with it, but I'm still gonna put it up. Very minor yaoi. The Scouts Meet the Pilots On a Friday afternoon, three familiar girls are walking down the street the toward the nearby CD shop. It is the Sailor Scouts. Rei, Mina, and Lita are being lead by Mina to get the newest Three Lights music video. Mina is a great fan of them. Wait a minute, where is Amy? Well, Amy had to go tutor a student in English. Hey, where is that noisy one Sarina? Sarina and Darien went on a date since about maybe a week. When they enter the cool shop, they see two familiar figures. It is Haruka and Michiru. Michiru came to buy a newly released violin CD. The two groups join up and bought what they need to. When they were leaving the store, Mina spotted 5 guys their age walking toward the shop. Who are they to be? Yes, the Gundam boys! They were talking about the recent mission they had accomplished. Duo noticed Mina staring at her and started to walk right toward her. Mina was into guys with long hair right now, Three Lights ya know? Duo walked to her because she was staring at him. The rest of his group just followed him. Duo went up to Mina and put his arm around her. “Hey babe, how’s it going?” Mina immediately fell in love with the braided bishounen. Quatre caught sight of the CD bag Michiru was holding and asked, “What CD did you buy miss?” Michiru was surprised that the Arabian talked to her. “Well it’s the new violin solo CD of this group I like. You see, I play the violin.” Quatre’s face lighted up in delight. “I play the violin too!” The two started to talk about their favorite composers and types of music they like to play and who accompanies them. Haruka and Trowa just stood next to them listen to the two’s conversation. They were both quiet. Trowa raised his eyebrow at Haruka. “She’s always like that.” Trowa just nodded. The two started to talk about racing and how they liked speed. Haruka used to race cars and Trowa rode a red motorcycle. It was amazing for Trowa to talk so much. And Haruka also talked too. Wufei ranted about making a stop in such a place and talking to strangers. He spotted Rei and yelled at her (he obviously isn’t in a good mood). “Hey you women! Where is the nearest temple!” Rei shot him a glare. “For your information buster! I do have a name and it’s Rei! You shouldn’t yell at everybody you see you know! You could gain some serious enemies!” Wufei was surprised that someone snapped back at him like what he would do. Maybe he could grow to like this girl. Rei breathed hard and tried to calm down. Her breathing slowly returned to normal. “I know where the nearest temple is. My grandpa runs it.” A prissiest, thought Wufei. “All right, take me there.” The two left for the temple. Duo felt his stomach rumbling and noticed he had a craving for ice cream. “Hey babe, do you want to go grab some ice cream?” “Oh yes!” replied Mina quickly. Duo started walking away and Mina linked onto Duo’s elbow and the two walked off. Heero was getting bored when Lita invited him; “Do you want to go get some grub since everybody else seems to be getting acquainted?” Heero just nodded and left his bed buddy as they left too. Heero had vowed to never like blond girls. Especially ones with long blond hair and blue eyes. (I wonder why?) Quatre invited Michiru and Haruka for coffee. They agreed and left for the nearest café. Quatre and Michiru sat at one table and Haruka and Trowa sat at another. Actually, the tables were right next to each other but they didn’t put the tables together. Quatre was sipping chi tea and Michiru was drinking mocha. Trowa and Haruka were drinking plain coffee with sugar and cream. Michiru started a conversation with Quatre about always wanting to try chi tea but never having the nerve too. “Well, you could have a sip of mine?” Offered Quatre. Trowa was a little surprised but he knew that Quatre was only being polite. “Really? Your so nice Quatre.” Michiru took a sip of the tea. Trowa’s expression changed very slightly. Quatre smiled and asked if it was good. Haruka noticed the slight change in Trowa’s expression. Only because she was like that herself if it was an ordinary person, they probably wouldn’t notice the change. Haruka thought how rare it was to see those kind of people these days. Haruka asked Trowa devilishly, “Jealous?” Trowa looked at her with his usual dead pan look. “What if I am? Do you have a problem with that?” Haruka just looked at him smugly. “No I don’t. Some people even think Michiru and I are a couple. Its so rare to see those types of people now days.” Trowa was quite surprised. Even the corner of his mouth twitched. He had just met this girl but they had so much in common. He even began liking this girl. Meanwhile Lita and Heero were at a local burger stand. Lita tried hard to have an interesting conversation with Heero. Actually, she tried to make him say more than two words at once. All he kept saying was, “Hn.” She finally gave up and ate. Heero was eating and thinking about Duo. He didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t want to stay near a blond girl very long. He was also kind of afraid of what that girl would do to Duo. He would punish himself and Duo later tonight. How, he would think up of later. Mina was walking down the street with her hands around Duo’s arm. Her eyes were in hearts and she felt like she was in heaven. Duo just let the girl take him to wherever since she seemed to know this town better than he did. Mina took him to a great ice cream shop. Amazingly, Duo did have some cash. Mina got a strawberry cone and Duo got a chocolate one. They sat at a table with an umbrella for shade. “So babe, what’s your name?” He had come all this way without even knowing the girl’s name. “Oh it’s Mina. Why didn’t you ask before? But you know you’re pretty cute with your long hair. I love guys with long hair. It’s so cool and they all look so hot like you.” Mina kept blabbing on and on until she stopped and asked Duo, “What’s your name? I never even got it.” Duo replied smoothly, “It’s Duo, Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide, but I’ll never tell a lie. That’s me in a nut shell.” They both laughed at Duo joke. Duo was starting to think about what the others were doing. Wufei was at Rei’s temple meditating. Rei was right beside him doing the same. She was wearing her robe and concentrating hard on her thoughts. Wufei seemed to meditating be meditating with no problem at all. Rei on the other was having trouble. She didn’t know why but she wasn’t used to meditating with someone else. Wufei slowly opened his eye and looked at Rei. She kept shifting and her eyebrows were furrowed. Wufei gave a weird look at her. Rei sensed that and her eyes popped open and she gave him the worst glare she could. Wufei just shrugged it off. She had such weird behavior. This is why he really didn’t like woman much, they can’t concentrate. He had to use her to get to the others though; he didn’t know the town that well. Lita and Heero were walking in the park. The trees created comfortable shade as they walked slowly. Heero walked silently, but Lita looked around at the trees and animals and the nature around. She enjoyed herself very much. Heero turned his head to the side where the road was just in time to see Duo and Mina on the other side of the road. He abruptly stopped and stared. Lita stopped as well and questioned Heero, “What’s wrong?” She looked in the direction he was looking in and saw her friend and the American pilot. Heero stared marching off toward them cutting through the park. He got to the street and looked both ways. Lita started to go after him when he bolted across the street with great speed. “Hey!” Lita shouted but Heero paid no attention. He got to the other side in no time. Lita tried to follow but she couldn’t find a time when the cars weren’t coming. Duo was getting up from his chair to go look for the other pilots when he saw Heero running across the street like an idiot. “Heero?!” Duo said surprised. The perfect soldier reached Duo and stopped. Duo started his lecture immediately, “Heero! What the hell were you thinking? Are you trying to kill yourself?” Heero gave him a hard glare to stop the braided boy’s lecture. Then he turned his head and glared at Mina. He muttered something like, “Damn Relena look alike!” Lita finally made it across the street and felt the odd presence of silence. She looked at Heero, then Mina, then back to Heero, then to Duo. She just shrugged and let it be. She didn’t feel like knowing what happened when Heero got angry. The silence soon ended and the four went to look for the rest of their group. The four that was at the café decided that it was a wise idea to go look for the rest of their groups and left the café. They headed for the place they met. Quatre and Michiru in the front talking about how good their violins were and behind them were Haruka and Trowa talking what the two did in their spare time (~o.0~). Wufei finished his meditating and got up to leave. When he saw that Rei was still concentrating on meditating, he put a hand on her shoulder and asked, “How long are you planning to meditate woman? You’re not going to be able to concentrate at your rate. Plus I need you to lead me to the place where we left my group.” Rei snarled at him and went to get dressed. God she’s like Meiran. Thought Wufei, it’s so strange how people are alike. Wufei waited at the temple gates for Rei. She soon appeared and they headed for the CD shop they had met at. Wufei looked at Rei and saw how uptight she was. They got there and waited thinking the others will arrive soon. Wufei put his hand on Rei’s neck and started to massage it. Rei jumped out of her skin. “What are you doing?” She demanded. “Wufei kept massaging and replied, “You are too uptight. You should learn to relax.” He moved to her shoulders and massaged them. Rei let go of her thoughts and enjoyed the strong fingers working their magic of releasing stress. Heero walked right beside Duo and kept glaring at Mina who was on the other side of Duo. He didn’t want the blond to manipulate his Duo like that bitch Relena. Lita just walked. She gave up trying to communicate to Heero. But when they were to part, she vowed to at least get his name. They were approaching the CD shop where the girls and the guys met. The group that was at the café saw the CD shop in the distance. They also saw Wufei rubbing Rei’s shoulders. It surprised all of them. They also saw Heero, Duo, Lita, and Mina about the same distance they were away from the shop but in the opposite direction. The groups reached the shop at the same time. Duo had a big smile on his face when he saw Wufei giving a massage to the girl. “Go Wufei! Get it on!” Wufei jumped with his face all red. Rei opened her eyes and saw her friends and the other people staring at them and jumped too. The whole crowd giggled as they saw the two argue and make a seen. Eventually, the group began their partings and went off on their separate ways. Duo patted Mina on the shoulder and said, “Well Mina, it was nice knowing you. See you again maybe.” and he smiled his charming smile and went over to his lover. Lita went to Heero and smiled at him, “Well I had a good time. I hope to know your name though.” Heero looked at her and replied, “Heero Yuy.” Lita smiled a warm smile and said, “Good bye Heero.” And she kissed him lightly on the cheek and went to go join Mina who was dazzled at Duo. Duo saw the kiss and was surprised. He didn’t know Heero could be appealing to women, he thought only appealing to him. Heero stood frozen at his first kiss by the opposite sex. Quatre and Michiru were saying their good byes. “I had a nice time Miss Michiru. I hope to see you again.” “I had a great time too Quatre. I’ll miss you and I definitely won’t forget you.” “Me neither.” Replied Quatre as he smiled and they hugged. Trowa turned to Haruka and replied, “I enjoyed our time together. I hope to see you again Haruka Tenoh.” And he placed his hand out for a handshake. Haruka raised her eyebrow and returned words, “I also had a good time. Hope to see you again.” She took his hand and they shook hands. Trowa and Quatre went to join Heero and Duo who was trying to snap Heero out of his trance. Wufei and Rei stood next to each other without saying a word. The Wufei turned and faced Rei and spill his words. “I thank you for showing me the way to the temple. Thank you Rei.” That was the first time he had said her name. Rei turned around as well and replied, “Your welcome. It was different meditating with someone else. Thanks Wufei.” Wufei turned and walked toward his group. He stopped midway and said, “You need to work on your concentration.” And he walked to his group. Rei didn’t say anything. The youngsters parted going their ways, but they would never forget this day. The group of girls saw Rei smiling with a red face looking at the boys and they all giggled silently as they too, went back to their lives. And so the story ends of how the 5 Gundam pilots met the 5 scouts. They would never forget each other and the time they had spent together. Even if it was only for a little while. Hehehe…the end! (^-^)