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The Angel of Light
by Blade

Author's note:This is Ruki's point of veiw                            

It was a autumn day. Me and Renamon were just sitting on a bench.

"Ruki how did you meet Renamon?" Calumon asked me.

"Well it's quite a very difficult story but I'll tell you." I said to Calumon.                                                                     

Ruki's story                                                                      

It all begin when I lived at a ruined house I was a lonely little girl with no friends. I saw my father coming toward me. Then a d-arc appeared.

"Ruki I don't know what this might be so don't touch it." My father said. I couldn't stop looking at it so I figured why not and picked it up then it took me to the digital world. Then a few minutes later I was transported back to my home. My father caught me.

"RUKI I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT.' he said to me as he beat me up very hard.

"I was very hurt and wounded I ran outside and tripped over a sidewalk ripping my jeans. Then I saw a yellow fox in front of me.

"You look so wounded and hurt how about I heal you." It said to me. Then a light hit me real hard I could fell my torn clothes striping away and new clothes on me and my wounds completely healed. I opened my eyes and looked at what I was wearing.

"Umm thank you.' I said to Renamon.


"Oh it was nothing I know your father was hurting you." it said to me. "Shall I kill him?' It asked me. I thought of all the pain he put me through then I made my decision.

"I wish he would just disappear." I yelled.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:You know about the episode when Ken found Leafmon well this is a direct quote from one of the 02 episodes.

"So be it Diamond storm." Renamon shouted then the building was destroyed. Then I saw a boy just about my age who wore goggles and a blue jacket.

"Hey Takatomon she has no parents."  The red dinosaur said to me. I started to cry.

"Guilmon don't do that." he said . "Hey my name is Takato." Takato said to me.

"Umm I'm Ruki Makino and this is Renamon.

"She looks kinda pale." Guilmon commented.

"Guilmon keep your comments to yourself." said Takato. Then he took me to his family until I could find another family. "Here Ruki I just wanted you to have these.' said Takato. They were digimon cards I still have saved my megas etc.

"Ummm Takato thanks for adopting me." I said to him as I kissed him on the forehead.                                                                          

"So thats explains why you wear that broken heart shirt." said a Gotsumon                                                              

"Actually it's because it goes good with my fashion." I said to him.                                                                             

"I guess you are the angel of light." Takato said to me         

"I'm sure about that I'm sure." I said to Takato                      


My first tragic fanfic  it was inspired by the digimon 02 episode evil genious.I hope you enjoyed that and Ruki was telling the story ok? still a sad story *sobs*                    


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